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Transport and Accommodation

Information will develop as we get closer to April


Give your input here : So the transport team can start to get to grips with the requirements of people wishing to attend, please complete this survey. This will build a picture of where transport support is needed and where coach chartering can be most effective.


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More basic indoor accomodation and linksalso as details become available ACCOMMODATION The Accommodation team are working hard to help everyone find a place to stay in London. Each Region/Nationcamping is twinnedalso withcurrently abeing London Borougharrange and accommodationmore info will be allocatedshared withvery this in mind

The Quiet Camp will be running sites in London during The Big One, Are you planning to camp in April?
Please sign up **(here) to register your interest. Can you volunteer to help with planning, setting up or running the campsites? Please contact the accommodation team All necessary information, guidance and assistance needed to take part will be provided.

Indoor Accommodation We aim to secure as many indoor spaces as possible, such as church halls, mosques, community centres, warehouses, sports halls. Could you offer space in your home or camping in your garden.

Do you know any spaces in London that might be suitable?

Register an available venue here

Do you need indoor accommodation?

Register for somewhere to stay here Can you volunteer to act as a guardian for the accommodation - liaising with the venue and rebels who are staying etc. Please indicate on the linked form

In addition, there is the Human Hotel Please Sign Up to Host. Please use this link to search for accommodation

Volunteering Can you volunteer to help the accommodation team? Can you research places in London that might be suitable for accommodation? Can you call around venues to book them for April?

Please contact the accommodation team All necessary information, guidance and assistance needed to take part will be provided.soon!

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