Rebel Ringing
Rebel Ringing enables us to call Rebels in our local area, check in with them and let them know about local actions/events/talks etc.
It is a really effective way to re-engage dormant Rebels, spread the word about upcoming actions/events and strengthen the movement… exactly what we need to do in the run up to Rebellion! This kind of ‘high touch’ outreach takes time though. So we recommend building teams of Rebel Ringers in each local area. Here’s how:
Get Cracking!
- Watch the promo video above together with your LG and encourage them to sign up.
- Follow the steps in this starter pack. Or signpost them to our weekly webinar on Thursdays at 7pm here.
- Request a campaign for your event/area on p.19 of the starter pack.
- Get Ringing! You can Rebel Ring whenever you have a spare hour or two, or tackle a campaign as a group. The Rebel Ringers host a weekly drop-in on Saturday mornings at 10am for anyone to stop by and ring for some campaigns together.
- Check out our guide on Regenerative Culture to help us build meaningful and caring relationships with our fellow Rebels
And if you want to be clever with your Rebel Ringing...
Action Network and CallHub Tag use.
Action Network has a concept of tags, a tag allows you to note information about your Rebels. So for example we could mark if a Rebel is First Aid trained or a Chef or has done your NVDA training... this means we can find these Rebels on Action Network easily, send them targetted emails etc. Action Network tags can be automagically synced with CallHub so Rebel Ringers can apply these tags during their calls - we just need to know what tags you would like to be able to apply when we got to make up your campaign. This video shows you how to apply a tag in CallHub -
Automation site for vouch and follow-up email.
When a Rebel agrees to the Rebel Ringer Data Agreement an email will automatically be sent to their Local Group co-ord asking for a vouch and they go onto the Pending list. The Rebel's access into CallHub will be approved by the Rebel Ringer Guides once the email reply from the local group confirming that this Rebel is indeed a trusted and known Rebel is received.
Alternatively Regional and County co-ords can also vouch for Rebels directly by registering on the automation site and asking for Admin rights on the Telegram Group chat.
Once that is granted you navigate into "Approve Ringers" and click on the + beside your Rebel's name - add your reason for the approval, e.g. "long standing and known Surrey Rebel" and click the green approve button. The Rebel will then receive their CallHub activation email a min or two later.
Note that there is another page Rebel Ringing on the "02. Group Building" shelf.