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Guidance for Integrators

In April 2020, the UK Integration Team (Communities Circle) launched the XR UK Volunteers Website (roles board) where groups across XR UK can sign up for accounts and post roles. If the team is UK level they can also search a database of rebels. This replaced a system where the central UK Integration team found rebels for teams. Integrator homepage:


The UK Integration team has now merged with the Rebel Pathway team, but we are still here to support you!

  • Message us directly on Mattermost: Rebel Pathway (inc Integration) Reception
  • Come to one of our weekly drop-in support sessions Mon 11-11.45am
  • Ask us to add you to the MM Integrator channel (peer support for any integrator)
  • For user support, volunteer website, email:

Guidance for Working Groups

We recommend that each team has one or two friendly, empathetic integrators who understand the needs of the team and can post roles and onboard new rebels.

Guidance for Integrators

The website is simple to use. Please watch our short training video which will show you how to set up your account, post roles and monitor applications.

Once you have found a new rebel for your team, the next page gives a suggested path to welcome and bring them into your team. Make it your own and let us know what works well so we can pass it around!

We recommend that you buddy up newbies with a team member who mentors them for around a month, helping them to settle in.

Personal connection is probably the single most important thing in getting people to stay!

Onboarding Roadmap

1) Contact your new rebel

These are the people who have applied for your advertised role on the volunteer website or people you find on the database who seem a good fit for your team.

  • Call them (emails don’t work well as a first contact) and schedule time to talk if they are busy
  • Make time for their grief and questions, ask about their experience, tell them about your group and how you hope they might help you.

2) Send them some initial information

Not too much! It is easy to overwhelm people at this stage. This is all your rebel needs at the outset:

  • The Rebel Starter Pack (includes Heading for Extinction talk)
  • Volunteer Agreement - (Principles & Values and data protection), ask them to sign digitally and confirm.
  • This roadmap: (optional) can help rebels to see what to expect, where they are in the induction process and to proactively request next steps
  • An invite to your next working group meeting

3) First Working Group Meeting

  • Introduce them to other team members; give them contacts
  • Ensure they know the hand signals and the process
  • Make sure to give space for questions
  • Have a post meeting debrief

4) Induction / orientation

Tailored to your team and staggered according to your rebel. It is best to let them absorb one thing before moving onto the next.

  • More information about your group (optional) (keep it simple - preferably not a long reading list with lots of links!)
  • Send details of the general Welcome to XR zoom call or the Rebellion Academy introductory training if they prefer (these cover similar ground.)
  • Add them to the communications platforms. Encourage them to take Ned’s training on how to use the tools
  • Offer the UK Buddy programme, to help them forge wider connections