• It is of paramount importance that XR brings MPs onto the side of climate justice.
• It would be great if as many people as possible wrote to their local MP and encouraged them to support the CEE Bill.
• Rather than a simple template letter, people should write focused, personable letters on the ways that climate change will affect YOU and your community – who your MP is ultimately accountable to.
• Personalising the letter will also make the MP more likely to respond.
• The more emails and letters, the better.
• Sometimes it can be hard to know how to respond to an MP who has written back…
• SO here are some pointers, based on the experiences and research of fellow XR members and other climate activists.
• You are welcome to forward this guide to any fellow XR activists and other members of the public who might be interested.
• If you have any questions, please email the Extinction Rebellion East of England Political Working Group at