Why Personal Processing?
Before working to transform our local communities and connecting with others, we think it is really important to start with ourselves. We are all shaped by our experiences, by the society in which we live and by our identity, the features of which we may choose for ourselves or have placed upon us by society. We, subsequently, engage with the world in a way that is unique and specific to us: objectivity does not exist. The more time we, therefore, take for reflection and for understanding ourselves and the complexity of our stories and identities, the more we will understand and empathise with others.
This process of turning the dialogue inwards will also provide opportunities for us to examine and challenge our biases. Only by critically questioning why we think what we do and why we act how we do, will we be able to hold ourselves to account when we make judgements on others. Such critical reflection can transform the way that we communicate with everyone, particularly those who we regard as different.
Moreover, taking time to understand ourselves will enable us to consider and respond to our feelings and needs. Sometimes it is difficult to listen to ourselves and to acknowledge our needs, but it is vital if we are going to create a sustainable society based on compassion - we need to look after ourselves to avoid burnout and to be able to care for others.
By engaging in personal processing, we can strengthen our ability to build genuine connections with the people we encounter, can make space for ourselves and our needs, and can ultimately grow as people.
TheUseful ContentLinks:
The activities, workshops, and readings contained within this module span across a range of areas: We have divided them into three key areas for ease of reference, and have outlined the resource type. Nothing here is compulsory (it is for you to decide what you will use and when you will use it, if at all) or exhaustive – lots of people have already done fantastic work in this area. You may well be one of them. Please share your ideas with us and help co-create this module, so that it represents a range of voices and experiences.
Before you begin engaging with the following content, we recommend having a notebook or journal to note down your ideas and reflections. Whilst many of the activities are independent, it is also worth discussing the content and your responses with others, when possible.
1. Explore Identity, Relationships and Social Structures
The contents of this section are designed to help us better understand ourselves and our relationships with others, as well as how societal systems and social structures impact our lives.
Workshop: Understanding Ourselves and Understanding Others:
2 hours online workshop
This workshop will explore the concept of identity, looking at the different features that make us who we are and the relationship between these features, society and others. The content helps to build a foundation to view ourselves as complex beings and starts to encourage us to reflect on the way that we connect with others.
Activity: Deep Reflection: Understanding Ourselves and Understanding Others:
2-3 hours (self-guided activity)
Complete the activities to reflect on who you are and how you engage with others. The activities can be completed independently (though it can be helpful to discuss any responses you feel comfortable sharing with others).NB. The activities in this document are linked to what is covered in the workshop.
Reading: What Happens In Our Brain When Our Views Are Challenged?
5-10 minutes (self-guided reading)
Read this text to understand what happens in the brain when our deepest held beliefs are challenged, and why we may not always be as ‘right’ as we think we are.
Workshop: Oppression, Movement Building and Our Relationships as Activists:
3 hours online workshop
This workshop will address the importance of understanding the structural nature of oppressions (such as racism, sexism, classism, ableism, the oppression of young people), as well as doing personal healing work – both of which are necessary if we are to work together effectively and empathetically.To attend a workshop, check theFacebook Regenerative Culture Events Pagefor more information.
Guide: Power and Privilege (New Economy Organisers Network)
30-40 minutes (self-guided reading)
This guide created by the New Economy Organisers Network “contains some tried-and-tested tools and techniques that will help people who are committed to creating truly inclusive spaces by challenging harmful behaviours (including their own) that reinforce certain privileges”.
Reading: Reflecting on Identity Privilege
15-20 minutes (self-guided reading)
This reading encourages us to examine identity privilege, looking first at hypothetical people and then looking at ourselves and considering the identity privileges that we do or don’t possess.
2. Reach Our Potential and Look after Ourselves
This section is all about self-care and reaching our potential: the resources focus on ways we can support ourselves, building confidence and courage in who we are, and on aligning our actions with our values and goals.
Activity: Personal Visioning
1-2 hours (self-guided activities)
The activities help you connect with yourself and consider what it is you want to achieve from reaching out to others in your community. The process of creating a personal vision and clearly considering your aims can help you remain grounded throughout the process.
Activity: Building Courage
15-20 minutes (self-guided activities)
The activities outlined here are centred around building confidence – some may push you to the edge of your comfort zone, others may encourage you to reflect in ways that you haven’t done before, and others can help you prepare for anxiety-inducing situations. This is a great opportunity to develop resilience and to find the courage within.
Reading: Understanding Emotions
20 minutes (self-guided reading)
Read this text to better understand your own emotional responses, those of others and why we all respond to situations differently. Learning a little about differences in emotional expression and the emotional histories that we each carry around with us can help us both empathise with others and start any healing we might need to overcome past trauma.
Support Space: You Matter 1
1 hour online sharing space
There are a range of support spaces onReset TVfor you to connect with others, have a deep check-in and/or share what you are experiencing. For information on what they are and how to attend one, please see the You Matter 1 section onReset TV.
3. Develop the Skills to Thrive
The resources in this section are focused on developing skills that will assist us in community building and in our lives beyond.
Guide: Active Listening Guide
5-10 minutes (self-guided reading)
Use this guide to understand what active listening is and why it is useful, and to learn the top tips to being an effective active listener.
Guide: Tips on How to Give and Receive Feedback
Use this guide for tips on how to give and receive feedback, so that you can build healthy, constructive and honest relationships with others, and so that you can reach your full potential.
Guide: Holding Effective Meetings
30 minutes (self-guided reading)
Have a read of this guide for information on how to hold and facilitate effective meetings, responding to the dynamics and energy present and adjusting your facilitation as necessary. This guide also outlines the hand signals and different roles needed in meetings.