01. Supporting XR
This is Shelf 1. - the starting point of the virtual "Rebel Journey" through this Rebel Toolkit. On this shelf you will find t...
02. Group Building
Quickly and confidently taking on the values, qualities & intentions of an XR Rebel group can seem daunting Here on Shelf 2, a...
03. Community Building
XR groups almost always start with a small core of well motivated Rebels But we soon discover that to do what we need to do - ...
04. Street Legal
During an action on the streets, keeping you and your group legally safe, organised and connected is important Knowing what to...
05. Talks and Training
Talks and Training can fit in at any part of the Rebel Journey, so we've put it in the middle as Shelf 5! They can be develo...
06. Art
An important and impactful quality of XR is the dramatic artwork we use Certain colour combinations and image juxtapositions a...
07. Publicity
Media and Messaging (M&M) as we call it in XR. If you're taking any kind of XR action, the right people need to know about i...
08. Politics and Beyond!
XR's website says "Beyond Politics" to distance ourselves from business-as-usual left-right party politics But Politics is o...
09. Wellbeing
In XR we integrate what we call 'Regenerative Culture' into our everyday behaviour "Regen" as it is commonly known in XR, is q...
10. Using This Toolkit
As of mid September 2023 the Rebel Toolkit is being transformed in to a more curated and easier to navigate space for all the f...