Nonviolent Direct Action (NVDA)
We choose to practice NVDA out of principle and because it is proven to be more successful in creating a stable transition than other kinds of resistance. NVDA is also more inclusive, attracting people from wider segments of society. Nonviolence makes it harder for the state to respond with violent oppression. NVDA is beautiful - learn more...
How the training works
NVDA training will teach you about our demands, the history of NVDA and why it works. Through th...
Where to find the training
NVDA online training is available twice monthly on a Sunday morning. It is advertised in the move...
Where NVDA training fits in with your rebel journey.
Heading for Extinction (and what to do about it), Welcome to XR and NVDA are a good way to start ...
Follow up information for people who have completed the NVDA course
N.B. This information is for you if you have attended one of the twice monthly online NVDA talks....
What to do if you registered but were unable to join the NVDA session
Sorry that you were unable to come to our Non Violent Direct Action training session. NVDA is on...
Are you interesting in training people in NonviolentDirect Action?
We are always on the look out for people who can offer NVDA training Learning about NVDA is one ...