General Criticisms of XR, and possible responses
Here's a bunch of the usual things people say and some ideas for coping with each. Please suggest more, and better ideas for how to respond. Responding with personal experience can be helpful too e.g. your own motivations for taking part in XR or your personal fears about the future that aren’t listed here.
Please don’t feel constrained by what’s suggested below - they are just ideas and things that have worked for other rebels.
Overall one of the most powerful responses to “I don’t agree with your methods” or “you are all hypocrites” is to ask for advice. “What would you do differently” can seriously change a conversation thread for the better, and to see things from our perspective without feeling attacked. It can be a way to explain citizen’s assemblies and sometimes we might even get new ideas!
Most importantly, please don’t cut and paste the same response again and again into social media as it makes us look bad and makes you look like the troll.
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