Recently Updated Pages
How to Deal with Conflict when Engaging with Strangers
Use this guide to understand both what you can do to avoid situations of conflict arising and wha...
Engaging Diverse Communities
SOLIDARITY GUIDELINES Solidarity is a collaboration where both parties are working towards share...
Why do we need to focus on engaging Communities like this? Building stronger social ties with ou...
Listening Circles: Supporting Grief Online
The challenges of our current times are revealing an uncomfortable and ever-present companion muc...
Reflecting on and Tending Grief
Within the ancient tradition of Yoga, it is taught that humans carry trauma buried under deep lay...
A Quick Guide to Holding Effective Meetings
Running meetings that keep to time, enable constructive discussion and give everyone an opportuni...
Tips on How to Give and Receive Feedback
Being able to give and to receive feedback is important when working with others, when building r...
Getting to Know One Another
If your group is new and you’re going to spend some weeks or longer working together, then spend ...
Personal Reflections on Working in Teams
Working with others can be a magical, transformative and inspiring experience; it can help us rea...
What is group support? This module is focused on enabling people to work with others in a suppor...
Active Listening
What is Active Listening? Active listening is the process of concentrating on listening to what ...
Understanding Emotions
Having emotions is one of the things that makes us human, although the extent to which people adm...
Building Courage
Courage is a sense of inner strength that enables you to persevere, despite fear or difficulty; i...
Personal Visioning
The visioning process helps you to connect with your strengths, your values and what it is you wa...
Informed Dissent main webpage Link
Welcome to Informed Dissent. This website provides resources to help you make informed decisions...
Writing to the Mayor of London - Example Letter
Email: Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing with great concern about the ...
Extra Contacts for The Press This seems a little out of date, but useful for getting editor and journalists na...
Example BBC Complaints letters
There has been negligence on the behalf of the BBC to report on the XR protests, they are funded ...
Telegram 'Twitter Storming chat'
Here is a link to Our Twitter Storming Telegram chat
Social Media Strategies
We are being suppressed on social media, they hide our posts and place us lower in the search res...