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741 total results found

Making a Strong Working Group

Trust The People Workshops 2. Group Support

Aim: to make life easier and less stressful for coordinators. For working groups to grow and do more. This is a live document. There is no right way of doing things, but we should share what has worked. This note has an element of idealism - in practice we mu...

Adding a Google document

How to contribute to the Rebel Toolkit Contributing - The Technical Side

If you have something useful in a Google document which you would like to make available on the Rebel Toolkit, you can't upload it directly. You have a choice: If the Google document has a lot of complicated formatting, you can just make a short page on ...

Great Outreach Poster by Scientists for XR

Rebel's Art for XR

This poster was made by Scientists for XR. The idea is to print it out very, very big and then use it at your action or outreach event to start conversations passers-by. If you have any questions about how to print the poster etc, message them on mattermost o...

The Vault

Online Tools for Communicating with Oth... User Guides

The Vault is a password manager hosted by XR. It is a place for rebels to securely store the passwords to their online accounts. What is a password manager? A password manager is a tool that lets you store all of your passwords together in a safe place. Bro...

Links to pages in Rebel Toolkit

How to contribute to the Rebel Toolkit Contributing - The Technical Side

Normally the URL (web address) of a page in the Rebel Toolkit includes the name of the book it is in and the name of the page. This can cause problems if you make a link to a page and then the page gets renamed or moved to another book. The Bookstack softwar...

Tags and why they're useful

How to contribute to the Rebel Toolkit Contributing - The Technical Side

Tags explained When you create a resource in the Toolkit, you should add one or more "Tag(s)" to help people to find it. The Toolkit's Shelves are organised in a particular way to reflect an imagined "rebel journey". However, there will be many times when y...

When to use the Forums instead of Mattermost

Online Tools for Communicating with Oth... Extra Information

What is the difference between chat and discussion? Chat (Mattermost) and discussion (Forums) are two very different things. This document attempts to explain their individual uses. Think of chat (Mattermost) as being a bit like conversations around a table ...

Forming an Affinity Group

Affinity Groups - building, joining and...

An Affinity Group (AG) is a group of people who support each other to take part in nonviolent direct action (NVDA). The ‘affinity’ part could mean anything that unites the group - this could be where you’re from, what you care about, what kind of actions yo...

AG Buddies

Affinity Groups - building, joining and...

AG Buddies One method for helping keep members engaged and supported is to start a buddy system in your affinity group: Have someone to keep track of buddies Not everyone will want a buddy and that’s OK Different buddies will want to meet more or less fr...

AGs Reconnect to Rebel - re-energising ideas for 2021

Affinity Groups - building, joining and...

ORIGINAL DOCUMENT IS LINKED HERE: CONTENTS Reconnecting Growing the AG Spiderweb Act now! Ideas and training Let’s get Creative... Comm...

Inviting People to your Group

Online Tools for Communicating with Oth... Old Hub Guides

How to invite people to your group To get to the Hub, type - - into your browser address bar You should use the Hub to invite new people to your group. This is because an invite to the Hub sets people up correctly on all th...

XR Groups, Roles and Mandates

Online Tools for Communicating with Oth... Old Hub Guides

Read this guide to learn how to use the Hub to manage your group's mandates, roles, members, etc. XR Groups screen If you click 'My XR Groups' on the Home page, you will see a screen like this: Choose a group to see all its details in context. This is ...

Media and Messaging Links


The Global Media Library and Archive is used to store and share art as well as designs and photos. There is some overlap between Art and Design, and traditionally a lot of Extinction Rebellion Design work has been done under the Media and Messaging umbrella. ...

Developing your local group

Building Local Groups

For everything you need to know to run or start a local group, see our Local Group Essentials Guide. To contact your regional or national co-ordinator, go to the Organism web site, click on your region or nation, and click the Contact link. Alternatively, th...

Workshop Recipe

Do Or Die - Workshop Recipe

This workshop has been designed to be flexible, repeatable and accessible to all rebels and groups of rebels. Here we have laid out everything you will need to know to feel confident in bringing this to your group and holding the discussion. You do not need to...

How to set up a Telegram-Mattermost link

Online Tools for Communicating with Oth... Group Admin Guides

We have a Matterbridge service, which enables you to link a Telegram channel or group to a Mattermost channel. The purpose of this service is to reduce the number of communication tools you have to use. Rebels who are comfortable with Mattermost can keep in ...

Workshop Timeline Guide

Do Or Die - Workshop Recipe

XR Principles of Inclusivity

Do Or Die - Workshop Recipe Useful Tools

Disablity Access Training | Disabled Rebels Network | June 2023 In order to build an inclusive approach towards involving all sections of society in the struggle to highlight the Climate Emergence, it is necessary for XR to pay particular attention to five ac...


Grounding Exercises

Do Or Die - Workshop Recipe Useful Tools

Explain fight, flight or freeze - adrenaline and its impact - e.g. can lead to panic attacks. Explain Diaphragmatic Breathing: Diaphragmatic breathing is a type of a breathing exercise that helps strengthen your diaphragm, an important muscle that helps you ...

De-escalation Process

Do Or Die - Workshop Recipe Useful Tools

We welcome everyone and every part of everyone but not all behaviours. For clarity around this: here is a link to XR's Principles and Values found on the Rebel Toolkit. If there is a disruption to the meeting which can't be handled immediately and promptly we...