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741 total results found

Inducting your new rebels: Roadmap

Integrator Handbook Welcoming new rebels

1) Contact your new Volunteer (UK, regional and national groups) These are the people who have applied for your advertised role on the volunteer website or people you find on the database who seem a good fit for your team. Call them (emails don’t work well...

Add and Edit Groups, Channels & Forums

Online Tools for Communicating with Oth... Old Hub Guides

Groups Edit Group screen This lets you rename your group, or any of its teams, channels, forum groups, forums or cloud group: The editor helps you out – if you change your name or short name, it will update all of the other names on the screen to match (y...

UK Forums

Online Tools for Communicating with Oth...

What are UK Forums? UK Forums do slightly different things than Mattermost - here's a summary: Mattermost is for: chat, that gets lost quickly in the stream of messages asking someone for help finding a person or group Forums are for: focused dis...

Local Group Outreach Support materials

Building Local Groups

If you are looking for ideas to inspire you to spring into action after lockdown with your Local Group then look no further! Here they are. Based on the Google doc "Support materials for Spring Out of Lockdown". Joyous Springing to you! Communities Sup...

Example 1

Letters and Template Letters - Political Extinction Rebellion Peat Ban Letter Tips

Dear (MP) It is great to hear that at last moves are being made to stop peat extraction. The industry has totally ignored the voluntary phase out by 2020, as previously agreed. They haven’t even been putting the % peat content on the labels of bags of compo...

Example 2

Letters and Template Letters - Political Extinction Rebellion Peat Ban Letter Tips

Dear (MP) I am delighted to learn George Eustice is starting a consultation to bring peat exploitation to an end – it is long over due. Please assure me that he will include the Cambridgeshire Peat Fens and rewetting of these. The “Great Fen Project” near R...

Example 3

Letters and Template Letters - Political Extinction Rebellion Peat Ban Letter Tips

Dear (MP) Hurray! The Government is actually going to stop peat exploitation. Or - is this just another round of green wash prior to COP26? A paper exercise to be forgotten as soon as November’s conference is over? Please tell me that the Government is ge...

Problems Getting on the Hub

Online Tools for Communicating with Oth... Old Hub Guides

Listed below are several of the most common problems people have when they sign up to the Hub. If you are still having problems after reading this document, you should ask your group's tech champion for help. It says that an account with my username already e...

Empowerment Reminder


We are a self-organising movement. No-one is in charge. We are given authority by our place in the whole. Let’s take it, and use it. When we all hold power, there is empowerment. Let’s embrace the power that our groups entrust to each of us, and our teams, to ...

Tabling / Stalling Method (from Portland, Oregon)

Mobilising the Community Outreach Methods

Canvass - Won’t be the same everywhere Los Angeles vs Portland Pandemic vs no pandemic. Design, design, design. Your table, atmosphere, persuasion, are all important. Masks, sanitizer handy Books, literature, flyers, badges Opening ...


Rebellion Academy

How to Access Rebellion Academy Visit Introductory Video What is Rebellion Academy? It is a learning environment of trainings that you can work through, in your own time, including audio versions you can listen to, for examp...

How to Create a Training

Rebellion Academy

First, please watch the Video Guide. Title of lesson/section Please remember that each lesson should stand alone from other lessons and be a learning goal in its own right. Introductory video or text Please provide us with one of these, to put the topic in...

Deactivating or reactivating someone's account

Online Tools for Communicating with Oth... Old Hub Guides

Explains how to deactivate an account if someone is arrested or loses their phone or other device. See Compromised Account Procedure If a person loses their phone or other device they use to access our services (e.g. if they get arrested), a group admin can ...

Placeholder Hub Groups

Online Tools for Communicating with Oth... Old Hub Guides

Placeholder Groups represent groups who do not use the Hub, so they appear in the Hub Circles diagram, and can store their public facing contact information. Creating a Placeholder Group Only people with "Group Admin of All Groups" permission (or above) can ...


Integrator Handbook Recruiting new rebels

Information on how to find new rebels by different types of outreach are on other pages in the Toolkit. Here are some links: Doorknocking + Listening Online Outreach House Meetings Talking to people at actions Rebel Ringing Social...

The XR Volunteer Agreement

Online Tools for Communicating with Oth... Old Hub Guides

How to sign the Volunteer Agreement, and to check other people who have access to personal data have signed. Personal data includes email addresses, phone numbers, addresses, or anything which could identify an individual. It does not matter whether the perso...

volunteer agreement
xr volunteer agreement

Mandates in more detail (and how to write them)

Building Teams

Why mandates? We are based on autonomy and decentralisation. Mandates are the building blocks by which we decentralise and mitigate any concentration of power. We divide all the different types of decision we have to make into mandates, and then we distribut...

What is Risk Management and why is it so important?

Risk Management - learn to use it Introduction

In XR a 'Risk' is the chance of a negative event damanging or threatening the existence of XRUK. We all talk about risks and worry about them happening but we don't make plans to control them. Succesful risk management ensures you do something. This book sho...

What risks can an XR Circle expect?

Risk Management - learn to use it Introduction

Risks come from absolutely anywhere! They can be : financial, legal, reputational, technical, non-compliance with regulators, lack of security, fraud, loss of key members. Each risk has a cause, a probability and an...

How to do it

Risk Management - learn to use it How do we do risk management?

STEP ONE: A RISK IDENTIFICATION WORKSHOP: (Risk circle can facilitate) What are significant risks for our circle? What is a concern for our circle? What worries do we have for the circle? A risk is that X happens, caused by Y and with the consequence o...