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741 total results found

The UK Risk Circle

Risk Management - learn to use it Help available

Support and more information is available from the UK Risk circle - just message us via the Risk Circle Reception channel on the Hub (Mattermost). We will be pleased to offer you help and support as needed. The Risk circle has been created to provide informat...

Main elements of a project

Project Management : how to manage proj...

Introduction These guidelines are well established and can be found on many "how to do it" websites. They have existed in the business world since the 1950s without major change, except for the introduction of an "agile project" approach around 20 years ago. ...

How to make a simple QR Code

M&M How To Guides

This is a QR Code. When you scan it with a QR code scanner app on a smartphone you can quickly get to a website, sign-up sheet or whatever you want. Here’s how to make one. Copy the website URL you want the code to take you to by clicking in the browser...

Empowering the Movement

Building Teams The Self-Organising System in more detail

XRUK’s Self-Organising System (SOS) There’s a climate and ecological emergency. We can’t waste time. We need to organise in the most effective way to achieve our demands, to be the most successful we can be. So what works? XRUK has adopted the self-organis...

Organising your meetings

Building Teams The Self-Organising System in more detail

These guidelines and resources are designed to help you organise your meetings and keep a record of decisions and action points. They may help you establish a routine where, at the end of each meeting, you have a set of minutes ready to go for the next meeting...

Heading for Extinction

Heading for Extinction - Speakers

(and what to do about it) The resources below are for supporting HfE Speakers, however the Speaker Tips for Online Delivery and How to Publicise an XR Talk will be useful for all trainers and speakers. Only trained XR Speakers should deliver the HfE talk. On...

Spare-time XR micro-action - legal and easy!

Supporting XR Remotely

Anyone with an internet browser can take this action Here’s a handy idea for a micro-action you can take any time you’ve got 5 minutes to spare to support XR, it protects our name. You may be aware that big vending sites on the internet – Amazon – eBay – Ets...

Data Planning Impact Assessments

Online Tools for Communicating with Oth... Extra Information

Data planning for Personal Data in XRUK What is this document for? For training and awareness if you plan to gather Personal Data for something new Checking how you use Personal Data already Thinking through the Personal Data you need for a project - i.e...

Meeting Links - back up advice ...

Online Tools for Communicating with Oth... Old Hub Guides

Find Meeting Links when Mattermost is down Usually, you will find useful information, like zoom meeting URLs and meeting agenda links, in the Header of your Hub Group's Mattermost channel. But, what to do if the Mattermost Server goes down - just before your ...

Design toolkit for COP26

Design Graphic Design Resources

Design toolkit version 8 is out with the updated messaging for COP. Trying to bring together both the key message of us challenging our leaders to make COP26 possible and the interconnectedness of the impacts of our decisions on the planet. It has a new impos...

Introduction to XR Structure

Organisational Structure of XR

Extinction Rebellion UK is organised as a set of Working Groups. Many of these cover the whole of the UK, and there are some that just cover nations and regions. There are also Local Groups. The groups are organised using a Self-Organising System (SOS), whi...

Digital Team - Contact and Guidance

Organisational Structure of XR

Do you have a project in mind which has a digital side to it? You are in the right place. This is a page about how and why to get in touch with the Digital Team. 1. Digital Team Intro We would like to hear about your Digital projects or concerns, and see how...

Deliverability - making sure your email doesn't look like spam

Action Network for XR Writing and Sending Emails on Action Ne...

This page is a work in progress. This is a topic the Data Team are looking in to closely and there are also pages on Action Network support that you can read about this... AN Deliverarbility Guide Some key easy things to look out for when writing emails, to ...


Integrated Budget Group

In brief, the IBG decides how to allocate funds to strategic projects. Here is the IBG's mandate. XR is funded entirely by funds raised by Fundraising through a fundraiser website or by XR's Regular Giving through standing orders, where donations may be used ...

History of IBG

Integrated Budget Group

IBG was created in May 2020. After a very successful 2019, funds were being spent too readily and when lockdown started, no public actions could take place which would generate donations. After inactivity during the winter of 2019/2020, funds were already drai...

Financial model : cash flow projection

Integrated Budget Group

All income and the expenditure using that income is depicted in a Cash Flow Projection. This is used to model likely future outcomes from different scenarios of income and expenditure and helps IBG to decide how much budget can be given out. It was originally ...

Allocation of Movement Budgets

Integrated Budget Group

Intro Movement budgets are for regular costs, not for rebellions or actions. There is a separate process for making requests for a rebellion or action but they all use the same Budget Request form. The movement budget will mainly be Volunteer Living Expenses ...

Funding rebellions, actions, campaigns and events

Integrated Budget Group

A rebellion comprises several actions and other co-ordinated activities. There may also be ad hoc self contained actions. Rebellions and actions are agreed in the 2 or 3 months leading up to a rebellion or other major action. Budgets should be in proportion to...

Managing a new budget

Integrated Budget Group

When a budget is approved for a circle or group, whether from the movement budget fund or rebellion fund, the amount is put into a reserve by Finance. For full details on how to get a budget, see Allocation of Movement Budgets or Funding rebellions and action...


Integrated Budget Group

Suggestions and notes on how we might decentralise some Actions activities (from IBG minutes 1/4/21) IBG need to be able to look at the cash flow, and possibly hold circles accountable- or at least empower Budget holders to do this. For example: Production se...