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10 total results found

Online Behaviour Guide

Online Tools for Communicating with Oth... User Guides

XR's Regenerative Culture We owe each other a duty of care to make our presence on our communications platforms a comfortable and beneficial experience. This includes a healthy focus on mutually supporting through: Self care – how we take care of our own n...

Using the Hub Admin Interface

Online Tools for Communicating with Oth... Hub Admin Guides

Introduction To access the Hub - type into your browswer address bar. This brings you here: The Hub's Purpose To invite people to their new services, and set up a user's logins on these platforms, i.e. on Mattermost, ...

Compromised Account Procedure

Online Tools for Communicating with Oth... Old Hub Guides

All rebels with an account on the UK Hub, UK Forum, Global Mattermost and UK Cloud – which gives them access to material that should not fall into unfriendly hands, or that may compromise the legal position of themselves or others, for example, through providi...

Mattermost Moderation

Online Tools for Communicating with Oth... Extra Information

What is Moderation, why do we need it and who does it? These questions arise with any open chat service. like Mattermost and we have to have guidelines on what is acceptable. Sometimes, posts can get heated and hurt people's feelings, so some sort of feedback ...

UK Forums

Online Tools for Communicating with Oth...

What are UK Forums? UK Forums do slightly different things than Mattermost - here's a summary: Mattermost is for: chat, that gets lost quickly in the stream of messages asking someone for help finding a person or group Forums are for: focused dis...

Meeting Links - back up advice ...

Online Tools for Communicating with Oth... Old Hub Guides

Find Meeting Links when Mattermost is down Usually, you will find useful information, like zoom meeting URLs and meeting agenda links, in the Header of your Hub Group's Mattermost channel. But, what to do if the Mattermost Server goes down - just before your ...

SOS Facilities on the Hub

Online Tools for Communicating with Oth... Old Hub Guides

This section describes how the Hub helps to implement the principles of Self Organising Systems within XR UK. We'll show how the External Coordinator Role in a group, or circle, can be linked to a Representative Role in the parent group, or supercircle. We'll ...

FreshDesk for managing Digital queries

Online Tools for Communicating with Oth... Extra Information

Introduction If a rebel has a technical query, problem or suggestion, they can ask in the Mattermost channel Tech Reception. If you don't use Mattermost send an email to This generates a ticket on Freshdesk and an agent will deal with...

How to get Tech Help!

Online Tools for Communicating with Oth... User Guides

This document is a quick guide to finding Tech Help. All of us find difficulties in remembering exactly how to do things and, often, it's quicker to ask a question than plough through interminable documentation. So, what can you ask and who is best placed to a...

Intro to the Hub Admin Role

Online Tools for Communicating with Oth... Hub Admin Guides

OK - so you'd like to be a Hub Admin - great! It's a very rewarding role - you get to help in a variety of areas of Hub activity and reach out and support all members. This will often include Group Admins who may need support with some functions which they can...