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8 total results found

Library (UK Cloud)

Online Tools for Communicating with Oth... Extra Information

What is it? The Library is a shared read-only area for all Rebels on UK Cloud. You can view and download documents, images, and other files from the Library but you do not upload material direct to the Library. The Library contains folders for all XR UK grou...

Inviting People to your Group

Online Tools for Communicating with Oth... Old Hub Guides

How to invite people to your group To get to the Hub, type - - into your browser address bar You should use the Hub to invite new people to your group. This is because an invite to the Hub sets people up correctly on all th...

XR Groups, Roles and Mandates

Online Tools for Communicating with Oth... Old Hub Guides

Read this guide to learn how to use the Hub to manage your group's mandates, roles, members, etc. XR Groups screen If you click 'My XR Groups' on the Home page, you will see a screen like this: Choose a group to see all its details in context. This is ...

Problems Getting on the Hub

Online Tools for Communicating with Oth... Old Hub Guides

Listed below are several of the most common problems people have when they sign up to the Hub. If you are still having problems after reading this document, you should ask your group's tech champion for help. It says that an account with my username already e...


Rebellion Academy

How to Access Rebellion Academy Visit Introductory Video What is Rebellion Academy? It is a learning environment of trainings that you can work through, in your own time, including audio versions you can listen to, for examp...

How to Create a Training

Rebellion Academy

First, please watch the Video Guide. Title of lesson/section Please remember that each lesson should stand alone from other lessons and be a learning goal in its own right. Introductory video or text Please provide us with one of these, to put the topic in...

What do DDAT do?

Online Tools for Communicating with Oth... Old Hub Guides

Digital Discussions Applications Team Click on any images to access the service, mouseover to see contact details. The Rebel view Arrest Watch Behind the scenes Other services not supported by DDAT

Making Forms with Cryptpad

Online Tools for Communicating with Oth... User Guides

This page shows you how to make a customised form to collect data, using our secure, hosted version of Cryptpad. How do I access Cryptpad? Do I need to log in? Yes, you must create an account in order to use Cryptpad collab...