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How to migrate to using Action Network

This page includes advice for people with existing email list and for new groups starting from scratch.

This “how to” describes how to start using Action Network as your mailing tool, and how to import contacts from other mailing systems such as Mail Chimp and Protonmail Contacts. It does not go through details on using Action Network, this can be found in other “How to” guides located here

The first section of this “How To” describes setting yourself up on Action Network, the second section on how to import the contacts. If you already have access to Action Network then skip to the second section.

Setting up your group on Action Network

Contact the data team reception on mattermost or email explaining that your group would like to use Action Network to send emails and manage your mailing list.

It is good if you also check to see if your group is listed on the map seen here and make update requests if necessary to either change any of the info, or to completely add a new group, if no 'pin' on the map exists.

Once you have requested the email list - you will need to look after it by becoming an admin

Migrating an existing list

Before you read this, please make sure that you have read and understand the Can I migrate my email list to Action Network? page. Ignoring these section could put Extinction Rebellion out of compliance with GDPR regulations.

Uploading your data from your

this section in work in progress.