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Forming an Affinity Group

An Affinity Group (AG) is a group of people who support each other to take part in nonviolent direct action (NVDA).

The ‘affinity’ part could mean anything that unites the group - this could be where you’re from, what you care about, what kind of actions you’re interested in or it could just be that you like each other and want to make a difference together.

It’s crucial that those people willing to risk arrest are properly supported through this experience, so not everyone in an AG needs to make that commitment.

XR is it’s AGs and what we do is NVDA.

Listen to rebels talking about their AG experience: Watch the Affinity Group video here:

Here are some resources to get you and your Affinity Group started:

The AG Little Green Book:

The NVDA How To Action Guide:

If you are already part of an Affinity Group? Register here:


Are you a part of a Local or Community Group, and would like to organise using the Affinity Group structure to take part in action together?

We have a script just for you!

This workshop is intended to be a 20-30 minute activity for groups that already have some familiarity, to organise into Affinity Groups before a specific action/Rebellion.

It can be led by anyone, and should be fluid and flexible for the relevance and needs of your group. Have fun with it! Make it your own!