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Developing your local group

Coming soon ....Local Group Essentials Guide

Questions about the forthcoming LG Essentials guide? Contact:

Meanwhile, if you need help developing your Local Group, please contact your Regional XR team for assistance. There is also a group of experienced people called the XR Gardeners whose role is to help start or restart local groups and help them grow.

XR UK is split into 11 nations and regions. Within each of these, there will be a coordinator and working groups to help support the local groups in the area. To get in touch with your regional or national teams you can contact your Gardener or your regional or national co-ordinator.

To contact your regional or national co-ordinator, go to the Organism web site, click on your region or nation, and click the Contact link.

Alternatively, the email addresses are on the Contact page on the main XR UK web site.