Building Teams
Self-Organising System, mandates, healthy teams and meetings.
Resources for you and your team. From starting off, to resolving issues to the best practices we have for building and maintaining healthy teams.
Healthy Teams: An Overview
Upon taking on a role within XR, you will find yourself joining a team. This can be daunting for ...
Exit Process
Emergency Summary Help I need to step back! Step 1 Tell your Coordinator. Step 2 Fill out Th...
Mandates in more detail (and how to write them)
Why mandates? We are based on autonomy and decentralisation. Mandates are the building blocks by...
The Self-Organising System in more detail
How the SOS empowers rebels and enables us to operate within our principles of being based on aut...
When to meet?
How to use when2meet When2meet is a really useful tool for helping groups to decide which times ...
Regenerative Cultures Reminders / Intention Statements
Link to original doc Regenerative Cultures Reminder - 37 and counting This collection of intent...
Vision Reminder
(also known as the Solemn Intention Statement) May our energy flow like a wave. We need the high...
Self-Administered Team Health Check
This workshop is designed to be used as a tool by any team that wants to run a health check on th...