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Additional Learning

More Resources

To learn more about assemblies happening all round the world, the XR Local Group Support Pack contains a list of website and video links to grassroots organisations doing deliberative democracy in their way... It's truly inspirational... Here's a taster:

Case Studies

National Assembly Campaigns

Alternative and Supplementary Guides to Deliberative Democracy

Other Resources

Further Training

The Gardeners plan more training on Community Assemblies in the near future, in collaboration with other XR Circles, including::

  • Citizen's Assembly Working Group and Advocacy Network
  • Operations
  • Facilitation
  • Relationships
  • Actions
  • LG Support

For Facilitation Training, the Facilitation Circle holds regular, in depth trainings. These can be adapted to different settings, including Assemblies, but we hope to collaborate on tailored trainings for local groups wanting to set up a Community Assembly soon.

Meantime, you can contact the Facilitation Circle with your questions at

Street Scripts on Citizen’s Assemblies

Trust the People TTP are THE expert trainers inspiring and empowering people everywhere to really bring democracy home. Enjoy 8 weeks worth of in-depth and fun training to equip your local community to organise and run an effective magical experience in deliberative democracy. And it's totally free, twice per year from the experts in building deliberative democracy

Community At Work Check their: "Facilitator's Guide to Participatory Decision Making". They run online trainings too; check their schedule.

Hope For The Future Talking to Politicians whom you may invite to your assembly or even writing to them and meeting them in person can seem daunting. Being prepared ensures you get what you need from dialogue with those in positions of power to bring about change. The General Election is not far off and hustings will be happening... Skill yourself up and boost your confidence in talking to politicians, be they local, regional or national.

**XR Open Call on 2023-24 Strategy