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How to Make Contact

Each XR Community of Identity (XR Lawyers, XR Buddhists etc.) has put together a letter framing the scale of the crisis according to that particular community. These letters will send the message that WE are the ones that will save us. No one else is coming to rescue us.

These letters will open a connection to Extinction Rebellion. Whether or not they choose to join our movement is up to them. They should be left in no doubt however that the invitation to the Community Assembly is for everyone.

Your local area will be made up of neighborhood communities and communities of identity. We suggest the following steps or your own thoughtful take on them.

  • Rule #1 Approach Communities with deep respect.
  • Rule #2 Appreciate that you may not sufficiently know the community’s culture or reality.
  • Rule #3 Engage from a place of deep respect, humility and ability to listen.
  • Rule #4 Repeat Rules 1-3

What to put in the Emails?

The XR Communities groups have each written template letters for Local Groups to send on their behalf.
When tailoring your emails remember the Four Rules above and don't forget to:

  • Be respectful
    ‘Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to you from the XR Brighton Communities Team. Find below a letter written by Educators which we think you might find interesting.’
  • Localise it
    Be sure to mention your local area, make it clear that the Local Group is contacting them as well as the XR Community Group. Locational and Ideological commonalities.
  • Make sure they know how to make contact
    ‘For further information about XR Brighton follow this link. Love & courage, Sophie, XR Brighton Communities Team’
  • Sign off with your name
    You are a real human!
  • Continue the conversation
    If they reply, invite them to something or offer them resources. It could be an informal meeting or Zoom call or the next community assembly, or offer to host the HfE talk or linking them with community specific resources.

Next Steps

Get in contact with your Regional Communities Coordinator, if you have one, or connect with other Local groups nearby to see how they are doing it! Remember to share your successes across your region!