Graphic Design Resources
The principles of graphic design to produce XR's destinctive look, and artwork to use. See also the Global Media Library page for artwork samples.
Design Programme V1.1
The Design Programme V1.1 Made by XR for XR -- fonts, logos, colours, woodblock images, icons T...
We have a standard set of colours for our publications, which are documented in the Design Progra...
Visuals Generator Aktivisda (Vizgen)
The Visuals Generator (Aktivisda) is a web application which will create custom images with words...
We Want To Live (September Rebellion 2020) Design Pack
This design pack reflects the multiple narratives running through our struggle, and is intended t...
Design toolkit for COP26
Design toolkit version 8 is out with the updated messaging for COP. Trying to bring together both...
XR Logos ready to use!
Just drag them from this page to your desktop, or right click and 'save as'. For graphic desig...