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Wivellers (XR Wiveliscombe) Poo Party

River Creatures Party by Taunton's River Tone but Raw Sewage in the Water turns it into a Poo Party - YouTube
Brief Action Plan for Sharing

Location - busy park, Saturday morning, polluted River Tone in background.

Props and Costumes - long table so we can all sit behind, in shot. Tablecloth smeared in sewage with banner "Stop the Poo-lution" and "crockery" which is bits of old plastic taken from the river plus "Crisis, What Crisis?" tea-pot.

Guests are wearing animal heads and human colourful clothing to match their creature.

Workshop on how to make animal heads being run on Wednesday 1st March on Zoom, with local artist Jenni Dutton, all welcome! (link to follow)

Also at the party are citizen scientists in hazmat suits (under a fiver at builders merchants) with clip boards, testing the river water in jugs on table, which animals are drinking.


Swimming In It by Beans on Toast - perfect length and really added something. Whilst it's playing - creatures dance around table, drink lots of river water, eat turd and poo cakes and gradually all die. Citizen scientists express angst and grief. Final scene is a tableau of dead creatures, debris and banners.