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Accessible Documentation & Leaflets
Here are some tips on good practice:
- Offer a good contrast between print and background (e.g. black/blue on white/yellow)
- Avoid glossy or thin paper
- Aoid light type weights and unusual typefaces
- Keep information as concise as possible with short sentences and paragraphs
- Avoid printing text in capitals
- Provide even word spacing and justify text to the left
- Provide ‘navigational’ aids for the reader (e.g. content lists, clear headings, titled illustrations in appropriate places.)
- Ensure text documents have been generously spaced
- Leave enough space between columns to make sure that text flows easily from column to column
When considering lay-out and design for posters and leaflets (as well as the points above):
- Avoid over-elaborate layouts, especially, placing words on top of photographs or drawings
- Highlight where the focus of the information can be found
- Insure large and clear fonts are used such as Ariel
- Insure the numbering and symbol protocols are kept simple and understand that some characters are difficult to tell apart for those with visual impairments, e.g., 3 and 8, 6 and 9, O and 0, S and 5, iv and vi?
Take care to avoid, where possible:
- words split over lines
- italics
- underlining
- the capitalisation of whole sentences
- narrow line spacing, narrow margins and dense text
- faint print