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IMPORTANT UPDATE - Sep 15th 2023

We are launching a new vision for the Rebel Tookit - the project has been identified and mandated by Operations as a strategic and urgent task. The aim is to increase the relevancy, and therefore use, of the Rebel Toolkit to educate, support and empower rebels.

There will be a new layout, which should be more logical for rebels to navigate. Circles will be asked to create new books/chapters, based on the needs of Local Groups which we have identified. We have done our best to catalogue existing resources, and will be asking circles to create new content based on this (but up to date and relevant for the audience of local group rebels)

We are currently reaching out and connecting to the major contributors and will be supportive and responsive to all enquiries. We have restricted access to edit books, and will be approaching all relevant circles ASAP to explain the task required to them.

In the next chapter you will find 'Guidelines for Content Contributors', which explains in more detail everything you need to know to create and maintain these new books.

If you have any problems of questions, please contact the Rebel Toolkit Team via our Mattermost Reception or by emailing