Using the Handbook
This handbook is intended to offer a simple and practical approach to developing training which is inclusive, informative, inspirational and enjoyable. It assumes that the same basic principles apply whether training is delivered in person, virtually or through e-learning. It includes some specific guidance for these different media where necessary.
Rebel Curriculum is also developing an e-learning package within Rebellion Academy called Developing Talks, Training and Workshops which guides groups of collaborating rebels through the process of developing new or revising old material using this handbook.
The handbook includes:
- An overview of what makes good training.
- Four steps to developing your training:
- Step 1: Capturing your vision - setting out what you want to do, how you want to do it and who you will work with.
- Step 2: Realising your vision - building the blocks to create effective training.
- Step 3: Sharing your vision - making your work accessible to others and training other rebels to deliver it.
- Step 4: Revising your vision - collecting feedback and using it for further improvement.
- Improving this handbook
A section on how to provide us with feedback to improve this handbook and a list of some of the changes we have made in response to such feedback.
- Two glossaries: Words that have been used with a specific meaning in this handbook. Technical terms that we have avoided using but might be useful knowledge for rebels reading more widely. A selection of worksheets and checklists developed for the e-learning package but which might be useful more widely.
Link to the handbook here
- A shorter Quick Guide has been written for those who just want to get going, with links back to the relevant sections of this handbook if more detail is required.
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