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Suggestions adand notes on how we might decentralise some Actions activities (from IBG minutes 1/4/21)

IBG need to be able to look at the cash flow, and possibly hold circles accountable- or at least empower Budget holders to do this. For example: Production seems like the biggest drain on money for a team that has had nothing to do due to the pandemic. Some ideas:

production budget is removed and reallocated during Rebellions. They haven't spent it and I am unsure even why we give them VLE outside of Rebellions. Instead of taking AC monthly fund and giving to N&Rs, a better way of decentralising money could be to fund Arts Factories in the regions. This is something Creative have been working hard on proposing to us. Creative circle is one of the most highly functioning productive spaces that supports actions EVERYWHERE. If regions have an Arts Factory to make flags and banners, they can make actions.