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Cash flow projection of unrestricted funds

All unrestricted income and expenditure from that income is depicted in a Cash Flow Projection. This is used to model likely outcomes from different scenarios of income and expenditure. It is a spreadsheet usually showing the next 6 - 9 months by month, see

Look at the tab "Summary of current model" first, then "Current model".


1) monthly regular giving : fairly predictable,

2) additional monthly donations from rebellion fundraising: fairly unpredictable,

3) any other income such as grants from UMI,


4) regular costs, or "keeping the lights on" e.g. software licences, servers, Zoom accounts, warehouse rent, warehouse rates tax, accountancy

5) movement costs : usuallly decided by IBG at 6 monthly intervals. The current movement budegt runs July-Dec 2021.

6) rebellion costs: with no other info, assumed to be around 40% of extra fundraising from the rebellion fundraiser

7) petty cash, to be used for ad hoc or unforeseen expenses,

8) reserve for future unknown or speculative projects.

The cash flow should run for a rolling 6 - 9 months. Each month, the actual balance of unrestricted funds up to the end of the previous month and advised by Finance around the 7th - 10th of the current month, is entered. This becomes the brought forward amount and is the only actual, known figure, others being less certain the further forward in time they are. Then the column with the previous month’s details is hidden and a new month added at end. At no time should the balance carried forward be below 0 without agreement with Finance. Some entries will have been agreed and the rest are an estimate as follows :

Each row of expenditure in the cash flow excluding regular costs and rebellion costs represents a chunk of funding to be granted to a section of the movement :

  1. 12 Nations and Regions, divided equally. Can a nation/region which is underspending offer their budegt to another, or is it returned as unused?

  2. 6 "shared services" circles : Actions, M&M, ALS, Finance, Fundraising, Digital. They are separated from others and regarded as "critical" because XR would soon collapse if they could not function. This is contentious because they may be seen as elite or top of a hierarchy.

  3. Non "shared services" central circles from Hive, Operations and Sys & Cul

  4. XR Youth

  5. Global Support (as at 5 Oct 2021, this is 0).

  6. Strategic Projects such as Strategy Assembly, the Gardeners project and a reserve for others such as IP (legal advice to M&M for Intellectual Property protection).

  7. MOV (Marginalised and Oppressed Voices) - fixed monthly payments into a reserve from which a budget has to be agreed. If not spent 1 month, it accumulates for how long before it is returned?

  8. ISN - agreed through an agreement for a fixed monthly amount, whch expires on 31 Dec 2021. The amount increases if any monthly income exceeds a threshold and can only be changed with 6 months notice. Stephen - please can you add here the calculation for when ISN gets extra?