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Funding rebellions and actions

Rebellion and action costs

A rebellion comprises several actions and other co-ordinated activities. There may also be ad hoc self contained actions. These are agreed in the 2 or 3 months leading up to a rebellion or other major action and should be in proportion to the expected extra fundraising from the rebellion or action. A reserve of 10,000 is set aside for initial rebellion costs in case there would be insufficient funds at the start but must be replenished and so is not shown in the cash flow. This is contingency to prevent the cash flow becoming negative or if income from a rebellion or action is substantially below estimate. It must gain approval from Finance before being used.

Requests for a rebellion or action must come from Actions, preferably their EC or BH. Any circle outside of Actions must liaise with them and IBG shuld not consider them until agreed by Actions. A request should be in a spreadsheet with each cost itemised and justified.

Need to add more detail here from someone in the rebellion WG - principles for decentralising, local fundraising etc