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Welcome New Rebels

XR Buddies

a 4-week programme to get new rebels connected

  • Week 1 - Getting set up
  • Week 2 - First chat - Thinking about the questions we ask
  • Week 3 - Second chat - Why regenerative culture is important to XR
  • Week 4 - Third chat - Where do we go from here?#

For any questions, please drop us a note in Mattermost: contact our reception

Access needs and Safeguarding concerns

Gather your new rebel's access needs and safeguarding concerns. These may include any disclosed disability that might affect their participation in our community (such as the use of assistive technologies to read emails and the web) as well as participation in events (such as physical access needs, mental-health issues and dietary or other invisible needs).

Gathering this information must always take account of someone's right not to disclose anything, as well as their need of proper support if they do disclose something.

Appropriate Support and Peer Groups

Provide connections to other groups for support