The Foundation Programme [Integrator Handbook]
The Foundation Programme will cover a lot of your induction and onboarding work! Invite your new rebels to take part.
This is a 4 week part-time course (6-8hrs/week) primarily for people new to XR, run each month. It aims to give a thorough grounding in who we are and how we work. It is coordinated by the UK Pathway Team.
The programme comprises :-
Zoom trainings (2-4 hrs/week)
Selected reading and e-learning to check your understanding (2-3 hrs/week)
Support, help and guidance from the course directors
Find out when the next Foundation Programme starts here.
We have received positive feedback from our students:-
“Very informative and very welcoming”
“I was inspired and motivated by this course”
“I found the course very useful as a grounding to XR ( I wish I had done it earlier, I would have been better prepared for some actions) and to help me find where I could contribute in the working groups.”
“having now started to engage with SOS (Self-Organsing System team), I see that a lot of the training I did has put me in a very good position to understand most of what's going on in meetings”.