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XR Foundation Programme

To save you lots of work integrating your new team members, send them on the XR Foundation Programme


This is a 4 week part-time course (6-8hrs/week) primarily for people new to XR. It aims to give you a thorough grounding in who we are and how we work. It is coordinated by the UK Rebel Pathway Team.

Find out when the next Foundation Programme starts here.

If your new rebels have less time to spare, or prefer less training, we also run a Foundation Programme Light, which picks out the most essential trainings and needs only a 1.5hr commitment per week.

We have received positive feedback from our students:-

“Very informative and very welcoming”

“I was inspired and motivated by this course”

“I found the course very useful as a grounding to XR ( I wish I had done it earlier, I would have been better prepared for some actions) and to help me find where I could contribute in the working groups.”

“having now started to engage with SOS (Self-Organsing System team), I see that a lot of the training I did has put me in a very good position to understand most of what's going on in meetings”.