Social Media Outreach: Facebook
Use Facebook to individually message as many people as possible, asking them to take action by clicking ‘going’ on the Facebook event, inviting other friends to ‘like’ the XR Facebook page, using the XR profile picture icon, and pledging to attend the rebellion.
Someone is far more likely to attend an event if they’ve had a personal conversation with a friend who is also planning to attend.
Login to Facebook and find the April Rebellion Facebook event, or whatever the event is - this can be done for local, regional, and national events/actions.
Click “going” on the event.
Have a look at your Facebook friends who have also said they’re “going” or “interested” in the event
Personalise this template message:
Hey [insert name], I hope you’re well! I’ve noticed you’ve said you’re going/interested [delete as appropriate] in the Extinction Rebellion [replace with relevant event] event on Facebook.
I was wondering if you are definitely going, and if so, how long will you be going for?
It you are going, it would be great if you could click ‘going’ on the event, rather than ‘interested’ [delete if already clicked ‘going].
If not, then are there any barriers preventing you from going? I’d love to be able to help if I can!
We are all crew, and we need to come together to create real system change. If you haven’t already, it would be great if you could like the Extinction Rebellion Facebook page here, and also use an Extinction Rebellion Facebook frame on your profile picture.
This movement is growing, but we need everyone. If you’d be interested in helping to mobilise rebels, then you can use this guide to effectively message your friends on social media, asking them to get involved. Love and rage!
Send the message to all of your Facebook friends who have responded to the event
Invite any of your Facebook friends who haven’t already to like the Extinction Rebellion Facebook page.
Use the Extinction Rebellion profile picture frame on your Facebook profile picture
Pass this guide to your friends after messaging them
Send them a follow-up message the next day to see how they got on with this
Resources: To give to any friends who may be facing barriers preventing them from getting involved:
- Extinction Rebellion Facebook page
- Find your Local Group
- Extinction Rebellion FAQs
- Volunteer for roles
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