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Behaviour and Good Practice

Encouraging Good Behaviour and Practices (WIP)

The Hub

  • You should use the Hub to invite new people to your group. This is because an invite to the Hub sets people up correctly on all the new services.
  • Your Hub Group Internal Coordinator should confirm the Invitation before it is sent. This ensures that the new mwmber is known to the Group and is, therefore, qualified to be invited.
  • You can also invite people to individual services, but you have to do all the work the Hub would have done yourself (inviting people to the right Teams, Channels and Forums, for example), so it is much easier just to invite people via the Hub.


  • Remind users to adjust their Notification Settings so that they receive appropriate warning of posts addressed to them personally, or the channels they belong to.
  • Advise users when and when not to use @all and @channel
  • Consider mild warnings against duplicating the same post in multiple channels. Set up Broadcast Only channels for users to avoid this practice.
  • Prompt users to make full use of the Reply function to link answers to specific posts.
  • Recommend switching to Forums for longer-form conversations and remind users to link from the channel to any associated Forum Topic.

UK Forums

  • Refer to the Rebel Toolkit User Guide on Forum use for those users who are unfamiliar with this type of platform.
  • Encourage use of Forums by using them yourself and linking to Topics that will generate user interaction.
  • Be supportive of Forum use by adding replies and likes to your user's posts. This will encourage them to contribute more to topics and feel more comfortable with the platform.

UK Cloud

  • Although it's not in your mandate to manage your Organisation's files and folders, maintain oversight of what is being saved on the Cloud. You may recommend how files are to be named - for ease of comprehension - and how folders are to be organised. This should lead to improved efficiency of storage and ease of retrieval for your Organisation's users.