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Problems Getting on the Hub

Listed below are several of the most common problems people have when they sign up to the Hub. If you are still having problems after reading this document, you should ask your group's tech champion for help.

It says that an account with my username already exists

If there is already an account on Mattermost with the same username that you have chosen, you will see this screen:


If you know you do not have an account on Mattermost, it just means you have chosen the same login name as someone else – click the Try a different name button to go back to the form, so you can try a different login name.

If you do have a Mattermost account under this name, click This is my Mattermost account to link the Hub to this account.account (please see this video for more help). If you are not already logged in to Mattermost in your browser, Mattermost will ask you to log in – you must use your Mattermost password here, which may be different to the one you just entered for the Hub: RUJimage4.png
Mattermost will ask you to allow access:


It says that I already have a Mattermost account

If there is already an account on Mattermost with the same email address as your Hub one, you will see this screen:


You need to press the Continue button to link the Hub to this account.

I cannot remember my Mattermost password

If you have forgotten your Mattermost password, there is a password reset button, which will send you an email to reset your password.

It says my Mattermost account has not been validated

When your Mattermost account is first created, Mattermost will send you a verification email. You must click on the link in the email to validate your account. If you don't get the email, look in your junk email. If it is not there, there is a button to resend the verification email.