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Using the Hub

How do I access the Hub?

e.g. "The Hub can be accessed at


See [here] needs adding for more information on setting up on your mob

Useful Videos

Getting on the Hub / Accepting your invite

First Steps on Mattermostmobile

The Hub isbelongs to XRUK (XRGlobal doesn't use it). It was designed by our own XRUK Tech Team and it will grow with us as we develop new tools for XR - like this tool, the Rebel Toolkit. The Hub is the backbone behind Mattermost, the Forum and the Cloud.

You can use the Hub for a number of different things. These are: a 'doorway' through to Mattermost, Forum, Cloud, Rebel Toolkit and Rebellion Academy. You can access each of those separatly if you want to by using each of their own website addresses to do the heavy-lifting for us let you respond to invitations to join a group, launch Mattermost, UK Forum and UK Cloud, and see all the XR Groups in context, and where you and others fit in.

Useful Videos

Getting on the Hub / Accepting your invite

First Steps on Mattermost

Accepting your Hub invite

When you accept an invite to the Hub, you will see a screen of instructions, and a link which takes you to a screen like this:

g1himage1.png If you already have an account on the Hub, there will be fewer input fields, like this:


When you have filled in either screen, and clicked Save, the Hub will create accounts for you on the new services if required. Then you will end up at the Home Page.

Already have a Global Mattermost account?

Most users will not already an account on the XR Global Mattermost Chat (

Problem with Username?

If there is already an account on Mattermost with the same username that you have chosen, you will see this screen: nFfimage3.png

If you know you do not have an account on Mattermost, it just means you have chosen the same login name as someone else in XR world wide - click the Try a different name button to go back to the form, so you can try a different login name.

If you do have a Mattermost account under this name, click This is my Mattermost account to link the Hub to this account. If you are not already logged in to Mattermost in your browser, Mattermost will ask you to log in -- you must use your Mattermost password here, which may be different to the one you just entered for the Hub: RUJimage4.png Mattermost will ask you to allow access:


Problem with email?

If there is already an account on Mattermost with the same email address as your Hub one, you will see this screen: image-1611414560842.png

You need to press the Continue button to link the Hub to this account.

Can't login to Mattermost

If you have forgotten your Mattermost password, there is a password reset button, which will send you an email to reset your password.

Validating your Mattermost account

When your Mattermost account is first created, Mattermost will send you a verification email. You must click on the link in the email to validate your account. If you don't get the email, look in your junk email. If it is not there, there is a button to resend the verification enail.

Home Page


This is the Hub home page, which you get to if you come to the Hub again later. Click on any of the services to go to it. If your browser hasn't got settings to prevent "pop-ups", you can check the "open the service in a new tab" box to have a separate tab for each service. If you are already logged into the Hub, the Hub Login icon will not appear. Group Admins will have extra options on this page, e.g. to invite other people to the Hub and the new services.

Accept My Invites

This option only appears if you are logged in, someone has invited you to join an XR Group, and you haven't accepted the invite yet. It will take you to the Invite screen above.

Secret Codeword

Click this icon to set a unique secret codeword to identify you. Then, if you want to communicate with XR (e.g. Arrestee Support) without revealing who you are to anyone listening, you can use the code word. They can look it up on the Hub, and know who you are.

Only Arrestee Support, Hub Admins, and your Group Admins can see your codeword.

If you want to change your code word later, it is in Admin/My Settings.

My XR Groups

This shows a list of XR Groups you are in. There are menu options to see all other lists of groups (e.g. all UK Working Groups). Click on a group to show the group in context.

This screen is showing the Trumpton UK Working Group (a dummy group we use for training). It also shows the parent groups (Talks and Trainings and its parents), and any child groups.

To find your way about the structure, you can click on any group name on the screen to show that group, with its parent and children. Or you can click on a group in the Hub Circles graphic display at the top right. This has a full screen button to make it larger, and easier to navigate.

If you are using the Hub Circles display, you can click the Filter button to hide some of the detail, to make the diagram less busy. If you set a filter, it is remembered, and used every time you open this view.

The current group shows what chat teams and channels they use on Mattermost, what forums they have on UK Forums, what their group name is in the UK Cloud, and people filling named roles in the organisation. Those items you have permission to join are shown as clickable links. For example:

  • To chat to Trumpton Group, click on one of the public channels in the UK Team to open Mattermost in that channel (in another tab).

  • To take part in the forum discussion in Trumpton Reception, click on it. If you are not already in the Trumpton public Forum Group, a screen will give you the option to join, before taking you into the forum (in another tab).

  • To send a personal message to one of the role holders in Trumpton, click on their name in the Roles area, and Mattermost will open in another window with a private message open to them.

You can also see the Mandate of the group (Mandate button), or of each role in the group (click the role). These are imported from GlassFrog, but your Group Admins can edit them. If your group has an entry in GlassFrog, there is a GlassFrog icon you can click to go to GlassFrog to see how it looks there (although the GlassFrog information may not be quite as up to date as the Hub).

If you are a group member, there is a History button which shows you any changes which have been made to the group or roles within it.

Note that Group Admins will have extra options on this screen, e.g. to invite other people, and create or edit channels, forums and group information.

If you are a member of the group, you will also see a link to see a list of all the other members, and one to edit your role in the group:

Select your role from the list your Group Admin has created (or the Hub has imported from GlassFrog), and choose whether to show it to everyone (the default), or only to other members of the group. For example External Coordinators may want to show their role to everyone, and Internal Coordinators may want to remain a little more anonymous.

You cannot add yourself to Core Roles (shown in blue on the screen and diagram) - only your Group Admins can add people to these.

Your group can ask your Group Admin to create new roles, or edit the mandates of existing ones.

Leaving a group

If you want to leave a group, go to the group here, click on All Members, then click the Leave Organisation button. That will remove you from the organisation on the Hub, and from all the private areas belonging to that organisation. It will not remove you from public channels and forums, but you can do this yourself in Mattermost and Forums respectively, if you wish.

Seeing all your Roles in all groups

Click on My Roles in the blue menu at the top to see a list of all the roles you hold. It has a History button to show you all the changes to your role holding.

Stepping back from roles

Click on My Roles in the blue menu at the top to see a list of all the roles you hold. Then click on Step Back From Roles.

image10.png This shows all your roles, all with Step Back ticked. and gives you these options:

  • Assign another user to the ticked roles
  • Remove yourself from the ticked roles
  • Leave the organisations (groups) the ticked roles are in.
  1. Make sure only those roles you are stepping back from are ticked - untick the ones you want to remain in.
  2. If someone else has agreed to take on these roles, select that person from the dropdown.
  3. If you want to remain in the role for a while (e.g. to train your replacement), leave Remove from Role unticked. But if you want to step back right away, tick it.
  4. If you are stepping back from the groups altogether, tick Remove From Organisation

Then click Save.

Admin menu

FgKimage9.png Note that Group Admins will have extra options on this menu, e.g. to invite other people to the Hub and the new services.

My Settings

Lets you change your name and secret codeword. This just changes the information we hold on the Hub, not on the other services.

There is an edit button next to Login and Email. Clicking the button takes you to a form to change your login or email. These forms require you to enter your Mattermost password (as the Hub does not store your password, and it needs it to update your username or email address on Mattermost). A few people have different Hub and Mattermost passwords -- if that is the case, you will be asked to confirm they are different.

Once you save the form, the Hub will try to change everything on all the services (Hub, Mattermost, UK Forums and UK Cloud). If it is unable to do so, it will tell you which ones went wrong. The main reasons this may happen are:

  • You put in the wrong Mattermost password

  • Someone else is already using the login name or email you chose (Mattermost is global, so there are lots of users on Mattermost who aren't on the Hub).

If any errors occur, you can go back to My Settings, and try to change to something different.

Note: It is not possible to change a username on UK Cloud. So the Hub deletes your old user record, and creates a new one, joined to the same groups as the old one. This is usually fine, but if someone shared something with you by name, or you created personal calendars, decks or forms, they will be lost.

Change my password

Lets you change your password on the Hub only. To change your password on the other services, you need to use the facilities on each other service.


Lets you log off, e.g. if you are using a shared computer, and don't want the next person to be able to access your Hub account. NB this only logs you out of the Hub, not from the individual services which you may have open in other tabs or apps.