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UK Cloud

What is UK Cloud?

UK Cloud is a place for rebels to create, store, and share documents securely with one another. With it, you can collaboratively edit Microsoft Office documents, making it a great alternative to tools such as Google Docs.

It can also be used for a number of other things. For example, with UK Cloud you can:

  • Manage a shared calendar for your XR group
  • Create a Kanban board for managing projects
  • Create polls and forums

Important: Individual users have no personal storage area in UK Cloud. Instead, all files are the property of an XR group.

Getting access

Important: You should have already completed the steps outlined on the READ THIS FIRST page before attempting to access UK Cloud. Otherwise, you will not have an account to log in to.

To access UK Cloud:

  • Click on the UK Cloud icon on the Hub homepage, which looks like this:



  • Log in. The simplest way to do this is by clicking Log in with XR UK Hub.

Note: We recommend adding UK Cloud to your browser's bookmarks/favourites so that it's easier to find in future.

Note: UK Cloud can also be accessed via an app that can be installed on your smartphone or tablet. Please read this guide for instructions on how to do this.

Landing page

Once you have logged in, you will see a screen that looks like this:

We will refer to the parts of the screen circled in red throughout the rest of the document by referring to them by number in red font, e.g. 1.

Managing files

Basic tasks

Finding files

On the landing page you should see a number of folders that you have access to (13). This will include public folders that everyone can see (e.g. Library) as well as folders that are private to your XR groups.

To find a filefile, simply click on the folders to navigate between them until you are in the right one. You can always go back to the landing page by clicking 1 orat usingtop left of the breadcrumbs (12).page.

Uploading files

To upload a file:

  1. Click the 71b85c41d18e3c6a53509c26f79bb15105f6912e.png button at the top of the screen
  2. Select Upload File
  3. Choose the file to copy to UK Cloud

Important: Although we do our best to keep the data in these tools reasonably secure, you must not post incriminating material of any kind here. By doing so you risk the authorities taking down the server, which would upset our communications severely. Not only would you risk your own arrest, but the arrest of the system administrators.

Deleting files

To delete a file click on the three dots to the right of the file and select Delete File.

Editing office documents

To edit office documents such as spreadsheets and presentations you need to:

  1. Click on the three dots icon on the right of the file.
  2. Click Open for editing.

This will open the file in your browser for you to modify. It even works collaboratively so other people should be able to work on the document at the same time as you.

For more information on how to use the different editors please refer to the ONLYOFFICE user guides.

Note: Unfortunately office documents cannot be edited on a mobile device. Please see here for more information.

Advanced tasks

Uploading files from Google Docs

Obviously the ideal is to move the document from Google Docs to the Library - download it from Google, upload it to your shared Library area, and then delete it from Google Docs. The Library is the shared part of the UK Cloud.

However it may be desirable to leave the document in Google's care and simply have a link to it in the Library. In this case:


And that's it. Your link will appear in the list of files, with a globe icon to indicate it is an external link:


Sharing files or folders

To share files and folders with other rebels the first thing you need to do is click on the icon to the right of the file name (circled in red below). Once you click on this icon, a menu will appear on the right hand side of the screen with three different sharing options (labelled 1, 2, and 3 in the screenshot below).

The different types of sharing are:

  1. Share with someone else in your group

    To share a file with people in your group, click the 0120b331d21f266a386a9bccbaaec82557da8999.png icon next to Internal link (1 in the screenshot below). This will copy the link to your clipboard where it can then be pasted into an email, Mattermost message, etc.

  2. Share with a particular user or group

    To share a file or folder with a specified user or group, type the name of the user/group into the box (2 below). As you type, a list of different users/groups should appear below where you are typing. Click on the user/group that you want to share the file or folder with. A new share should appear below and you can copy the share link the same way as for internal links (see above).

    Note: We don't recommend sharing files this way because it will clutter up the home page of the person you are sharing the file/folder with.

  3. Share with everyone

    If you would like to share a file so that anybody with the link can access it, even if they don't have a UK Cloud account, then you should create a new Public Share link (3 below). This will create a link that can be copied and shared just like the other types of shares described above.

    Important: Be careful when sharing documents publicly that you are not sharing anything that should be kept private (e.g. personal details).

Creating and editing text files

To create a text file:

  1. Navigate to the folder you want to create the file in.
  2. Click the 71b85c41d18e3c6a53509c26f79bb15105f6912e.png button at the top of the screen and then click New text document.
  3. Enter the name for this document (e.g.

The empty file will now open in your browser for you to edit. You can click on the icons at the top of the page to do things like create headings and lists and make text bold or italic. If you prefer you can also use Markdown syntax to add formatting. This is very similar to what you can do in Mattermost and the UK Forums.

The file will be automatically saved when you close it.

Undeleting files


  1. If you want to find that Deleted File, click 'Deleted Files', bottom left of UK Cloud screen, and search the resulting Deleted Files List for the lost File.
  2. You may have to put the File Name into Search to help, as the Deleted File List may be long.
  3. Also, if it is a recently deleted File, then ensure the List displays Recent First (toggle the up/down arrow).
  4. Find the File, click 'Restore' and the File will be returned to its Folder.
Changing the order of UK Cloud's header icons

In the browser view of UK Cloud there is a row of icons at the left hand end of the yellow header bar:

As the screen width is reduced the icons flip from the right into a three dots drop-down menu.


The default order of the icons is: Files | Activity | Calendar | Deck | Polls | Forms | UK Hub | UK Forum | Mattermost | UK Website

You can customise the order to suit your requirements:


  1. Click on your Avatar in the top right of the header and select Settings. f6a1b5c7e681097cf468b5c09153064d73d431aa_2_444x375.png

  2. In the left hand pane select App Order. Uncheck any you don't want displayed and drag the remaining ones into the order you want.

Click away to something else and your ordering will be saved.

Other tools


You can access the calendar by clicking on the correct icon at the top of the screen (3). For information about how to use it please take a look at the official documentation.


Deck is UK Cloud's project management/Kanban tool. You can access it from the top of the screen (4). Some documentation about how to use the tools can be found here.


A tool for doing simple polls. It can be accessed from the top bar (5).


A tool for doing questionnaires. You can find it from the top menu (6).

Some help on forms here: &

Forms can be filled in from anywhere, the results are available on the Forms Tab in the UK Cloud.

Further information

Why don't we have personal storage space?

Everyone’s Cloud account has 0 bytes of storage in their personal folder. This is for security reasons - if everyone had personal space, there would be nothing to stop someone uploading illegal material to their (fake) account, then reporting it to the police so they raid XR and shut down the servers.

Everyone has access to the read-only Library, and people in an XR group which has requested storage have full read-write access to their group’s storage (where we trust other members of the group would spot suspect files, and remove them).