The most likely points of contact to find out if you have a local / regional Paint The Streets group are either your local group coordinators, arts coordinator or actions coordinator. You can also take action with your affinity group or by yourself. Some activities like fly-posting are easier with a small group of people, but during this period social-distancing needs to be observed.
Join the Paint The Streets UK Telegram chat to share images and be part of a supportive community. Images and videos will be picked up from the chats to share on social media platforms.
When setting up a Paint the Streets group it can help to work with your local or regional Actions and Creative / Arts coordinators, as they will be able to support you through the process and it helps build our network for future campaigns:
Join the XRUK Paint the Streets chats to stay in the loop with new campaigns and key messaging updates. We encourage you to post images of your own street art on the Telegram channel to inspire others!
Find some Rebels in your local group that want to join the P.T.S. group
Create a group chat to plan and share ideas: Signal is the recommended platform for ‘spicy’ actions; Telegram for broadcasting information to your group.
Connect with your Local Group internal coordinator and let them know what you are planning to ensure you might have access to materials, funding and support.
Join a Regional P.T.S. project group to help coordinate with other groups in your area (if your area has one, some might choose to be synced with their action network)
Get creative!
How do we coordinate campaigns with other local groups?
Simultaneous actions across the country can have a very powerful effect, so please connect up with your regional Action Planners group to get informed or share ideas to bring into synchronised campaigns eg. No Going Back. Join the XRUK Paint the Streets chats to stay in the loop with new campaigns and key messaging updates. We also encourage you to post all your own work on the Telegram channel to inspire other groups.
Is there funding available for materials?
XR funding for printing posters and buying materials is currently limited. Ask your Regional and Local Group coordinators if your group has any budget available.
Please also note that funding for printing and distribution of posters currently comes through Regional rather than Arts budgets. If there is no funding available there are some options available to you:
Raise the money required for materials within your community.
Check out the list of local groups to make contact with those nearby to you and see if they have any materials you can share. Pooling resources is key where possible.
For support with printing costs visit /Open Collective]( who are a charity supporting all movements for the climate with their printing expenses. In the past, Rebels have printed stickers, flyers, fly-posters, vinyl banners, and business card sized calling cards.
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