Action Guidelines (PTS)
Paint The Streets
Action guidelines v.1.7 - May 2020
This is a live document that is regularly updated - If you're not viewing it from the Google Drive please click here or on the image below to make sure you have the latest version.
For the Rebel Toolkit version we have made the writing on each of the pages available in text form. The writing is below the picture of the avialble Action Guidelines.
Action guidelines v.1.7 - May 2020
This is a live document that is regularly updated - If you're not viewing it from the Google Drive please click here to make sure you have the latest version.
The current lockdown and the effects of Covid-19 have changed our lives. As human activity has headed indoors some of us find ourselves with more time to make & create.
Action Design and Planning Advice (doc linked here) is to prioritise looking after ourselves and our communities; take the space to reflect and get organised.
Let’s take care to avoid messaging which can be seen as divisive or upsetting, instead focusing on the things that unite us all. We suggest avoiding the use of skulls, death motifs and slogans which are not agreed by your group and aligned with actions messaging. These media guidelines offer more details on messaging during Covid19.
Read the FAQ document here on the Rebel Toolkit or here on a google doc
Legal advice
XR Arrest Welfare does not advocate arrestable actions for the time being.The increased police powers and health dangers mean that activities previously seen as low risk might not be. Click here to read more.
Now for some fun
As the lockdown continues, this document contains some suggested activities of things to create, to be deployed when the time is right. And remember. It’s great when we change our environments with creative actions, however small. It’s even better when these actions combine on a grand scale.
If your group wants to create a bigger impact, connect with others by joining the Paint The Streets Telegram chat to share your ideas and links to your projects. For the XR Design Programme contact your local Art group or email
Messaging will follow three phases: PAUSE (where we are now), CONNECT and WHAT’S NEXT? How long each phase will take is unknown, we will work together with other XR Groups to make sure our messages are aligned with actions.
Visual messages that emphasise regeneration over rebellion and reflect the transition we are witnessing. What are we prioritising? What really matters? These are tough times, let’s try to brighten up our days with beautiful artwork
and positive messages.