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Actions during Covid19

The parameters of an action have transformed with Covid19, with new rulings and restrictions.

In this space creative projects have emerged which have galvanised the movement and keep people creating and our messages getting out there! We continue to encourage rebels to safely engage in NVDA. Just keep social distancing 2m apart, wear a mask, gloves if handling materials and get clued up on the legal risks and Know Your Rights training!

Paint the Streets action ideas:Streets:

  • Make stencils for posters and painting with Spray-chalk or emulsion paint (link to available product on online shop here)
  • Sticker up your walks or on your bins
  • Print out window posters or make your own window art
  • Guerrilla gardening #Rewild
  • Giving posters to friends, shops, community centres etc to put up in their windows as effective outreach
  • Train Talks - stand on public transport and speak the truth to fellow passengers wearing badges and patches, for more information check out their Train Talks Telegram group
  • Flyposting
  • Brandalism and subvertising: replacing bus stop posters with your own work or repurposing an existing advert to change the message, postering billboards
  • Subvertising: replacing adverts on train / tube carriages