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Welcoming New Rebels


When welcoming new rebels there are several key things that help do:

Plan – Have a plan for some welcoming events to direct new rebels to and nominate welcomers.
Say hello – Be welcoming, friendly and honest.
Meet them – We thrive on connection. Set up events, socials, welcome spaces and talks after the rebellion. Give new rebels a space to land!
Get them connected – Direct new rebels to Mattermost, Whatsapp, Signal, Telegram whatever platform you use!

Getting in touch

Finding your new rebels information

New rebels and those interested will have been encouraged to sign up with us on the website throughout the rebellion. These names should be pushed into your space on Action Network (AN) and so the graph on your AN dashboard should be slowly increasing over time - if this is not the case please contact either your regional tech team or

Rebel Ringing

Those of you who have used Rebel Ringing before will know how helpful that friendly call is for welcoming people into the movement. It’s a way of reaching out to Rebels in your local area, many of whom will have signed up onto XR’s database during the Rebellion.

Set up an automatic email

All groups with an email address should set up an automated email response with an upbeat welcome message to explain how rebels can get involved. Include links to your exciting welcoming events, or explain there may be limited contact post-rebellion and signposting new rebels to centrally provided online formats. Your new rebels may be fired up and want to start doing things so give them a few simple tasks they can do right now without personal contact.

Social media automatic reply

Those with social media accounts can set up automated messaging, pin a post to their feed or change banner image to a message such as: We are rebels in recovery. We will be back soon to welcome you. Visit Rebellion Academy or check out our National Campaigns to find out how you can get involved NOW.


Suggested Welcome Email
Rebel Ringing Guidelines

Meet your New Rebels


There’s no better way of introducing rebels to XR than telling them what they’re signing up to. Running an introduction to XR isn’t complicated but it should be well thought through, especially how to strike a balance between making the session participatory while getting the most crucial information across and what information rebels should have about your XR group versus what will just result in information overwhelm.

The Heading for Extinction talk

Due to lockdown, a new HfE Zoom version has been created. It is a bit shorter but it’s impact will be just as big and it is the perfect tool for explaining XR’s rationale to potential recruits and getting them emotionally involved. If you don’t have a speaker in your own local group you can organise a talk event together with other local groups in your region. You can request a Heading for Extinction speaker from your regional Talks & Trainings coordinator. See the Contact Page of the XR UK website.

Buddies support systems

XR can be a confusing place – there is a lot to learn! It takes around a month for most people to find their feet. One way to help new rebels feel welcomed and supported is to form buddy groups. The aim of a buddy system is for rebels to feel heard, respected and valued, to have their initial questions answered and any worries or barriers to joining listened to and addressed.


Meetings are a good option for groups with minimal spare capacity. If all else fails, keep your regular meetings going so interested new recruits can drop in. If a new rebel comes to these spaces make sure they are welcomed and ask what they might be interested in so they can listen in to those conversations. Ensure you have a few people aware of new rebels during social moments such as tea breaks, and initiate conversations, asking about their experiences and interests. At the end of a meeting ask new rebels what they thought, stay behind to chat, invite them to something else, add them to group chats, or offer to connect them to a Working Group.