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Preparing for Rebellion

[This book was written for the 2020 rebellion, so please ignore the dates. It has been left here as it still has useful information.]

It’s Rebellion time again!

Excitement is growing all across the movement and rebels are asking themselves: What do I need to know about the rebellion? How can I prepare myself and my loved ones for it? And how can I contribute as much as I can to it?

Join an XR group if you haven’t done so yet! Our strength is in our community. Rebelling together is more fun and more effective.

Rebellions cost money! And XR has very little at the moment … Contribute to the Rebellion Crowdfunder or set up a monthly donation.

Finally, the rebellion plans are constantly evolving, and we will be updating this handbook on a regular basis. If you would like us to change any of its contents, or add new content, get in touch with us on