What about Covid?
No rebels who may be more vulnerable to Covid 19 should feel at all pressurised to take part in physical actions. There are plenty of ways in which you can contribute as a Home Rebel.
Most importantly, rebels should not participate in any actions if they, or a person they have been in contact with, has had coronavirus symptoms in the previous 14 days.
Three key precautionary elements that action planners
will bear in mind and try to provide for are:
• Social distancing: Try to stay 2 metres (3 steps)
away from other rebels
• Face coverings
Bring some face masks along
• Hand hygiene
Wear gloves or wash your hands on a regular
basis, and think of ‘zero-contact’ alternatives
for things like flyers and sign-up sheets
It has been observed that police are not adhering to distancing guidelines. Any action with risk of arrest, remand or prison may involve significant additional personal risks to rebels’ health, security and wellbeing.
It is up to rebels to keep themselves informed of risks, the latest public health guidance and the latest regulations. We will try to keep this guidance on actions in the time of coronavirus up to date which you can find on our action resources page. You can also read here about the latest governmental guidance on Covid 19.