Rebel Next Steps Pack
This pack is for rebels who have read the Rebel Starter Pack, agree with what we stand for and now want to get more involved with XR UK. It is designed to be a resource for rebels to dip into and come back to as needed, covering all the key parts of how XR works and where to find things.
This handbook has been put together by the Rebel Pathway team.
Rebel Next Steps Pack printable PDF
The Rebel Next Steps Pack is for rebels who have read the Rebel Starter Pack and are ready to lea...
This pack is for you if you have read the Rebel Starter Pack, agree with what we stand for and no...
Principle 6: we welcome everyone and every part of everyone. This principle is our commitment ...
How we care for one another
Principle 8: we avoid blaming and shaming. We do not waste energy or sow division by attacking...
How we protect one another
Data Protection How we protect your data: XR Privacy Policy. For queries or requests about yo...
How we learn from one another
Principle 5: we value reflection and learning. We never know how things will change, so we try...
How we communicate
Our main communication tools are brought together on The Hub. Once on the Hub, you can see and...
ACTION rebel
As an Action Rebel you want to be involved in arrestable or non-arrestable direct action, either ...
As a Grassroots Rebel you want to get involved in projects at a local level - this could be by jo...
As a Movement Rebel you might not be willing to get arrested, but still want to be involved in ac...
As a Supporter Rebel you may not want to attend actions, or have regular time for a role in a gro...