How we care for one another
Principle 8: we avoid blaming and shaming.
We do not waste energy or sow division by attacking people personally. We live in a system that damages us all and no one person is to blame.
Principle 3: we need a regenerative culture.
The Powerwork we do in XR can be physically, mentally and emotionally demanding. To protect ourselves, we try to integrate what we call 'regenerative culture' into our everyday behaviour. ‘Regen’, as it is commonly known in XR, means taking care of Socialourselves Media
and each other, and ensuring that we all take enough down time.
Principle 8: we avoid blaming and shaming. We do not waste energy or sow division by attacking people personally. We live in a system that damages us all and no one person is to blame.
Principle 3: we need a regenerative culture.
The Powerwork we do in XR can be physically, mentally and emotionally demanding. To protect ourselves, we try to integrate what we call 'regenerative culture' into our everyday behaviour. ‘Regen’, as it is commonly known in XR, means taking care of Socialourselves Media
Emotional Support
SinceGrief and gratitude are linked - we grieve for the mainstreamloss mediaof refusesomething we are grateful for or love. Grieving together is a way of experiencing our connection as part of a community where what we feel matters and is heard. For more information on tending to covergrief, please email or use one of the majorityfollowing of our work, the primary way we can share our message is through social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
We use social media to:resources:
ShareTelephoneNews,ActiveaboutListening- Counselling
actions,oreffectsPsychotherapy - Burnout
our workawareness andthe work of others.prevention Connect, with each other and with those people and organisations with power.Organise, together in groups and creating public events to share.Resilience
Trust Poststhe
It'sPeople keyis an XR-affiliated movement of community builders. It shares tools to knowsupport howlocal wecommunities deal with global crises. One of its workshops is designed to help with personal processing. They also run Supporting Grief Listening Circles.
Open Homes:
If you need somewhere to retreat, rest and regenerate, some lovely XR members have offered places you can effectivelygo. boost(listings ourinclude posts so they are seen by more people. The algorithmsadvice on social media are such that the more popular posts appear higher up on the feeds. Thus, the more we interact with posts the more they are seen by people!Covid-safety.)
A Nervous Rebel's Guide to Social Media
See A Nervous Rebel's Guide to Social Media for sections on each of our main social media platforms, and learn how to make posts more effective. Eg. On Facebook, a comment (even just an emoji) boosts more than a “like.”
XR's key Social Media links
UK Facebook group
Volunteers Facebook group
Remote Rebels Facebook group
Humans of XR Twitter page
Twitter: XRebellionUK
Local Groups - Facebook pages
Please see the 'Join Us' page of the UK website for your Local Group's Facebook page and/or email address.
XR Community Groups -are Facebooka pages
way Pleasefor seerebels theto 'Joinconnect Us'and pagework together through
communities of theshared UKself-identity websitee.g. faith, profession, ethnicity or sexual identity.
XR Buddies (4-week structured programme) is an opportunity for new rebels to develop their XR Communitysupport Groups'snetwork Facebookoutside pages.of Thetheir Communityimmediate Groups are listed under the following categories:-group.
DiasporaEquality and RightsIntergenerational and RelationalLand and HousingProfessions and SkillsReligions and FaithsSports