How we communicate
Our main communication tools are amazing!
We all live in a world of emails, multiple messaging platforms, messy document sharing and overwhelming video calls. The COVID crisis of 2020 has only exacerbated this existing issue. So we understand that sinking feeling in your stomach when you're asked to download yet another app to communicate with the world.
Our Digital team has been working incredibly hard to provide us with a toolset that has the functions we need, ethics we believe in and platforms we can understand and navigate. This is no easy task, so if you ever come across our techies - give them a high five or a happy emoji!
Our Tools
The first thing to know about our platforms is that they are all brought together on The Hub.Hub.
This is where you set your email, username and password to useOnce on the majorityHub, (soonyou can see and connect with XR groups across the globe. This allows you to befind, all)contact ofand ourwork tools.with others easily.
The Hub istools run entirely on servers powered by renewable energy so(the notinternet onlyis cana youbig becarbon connectedpolluter, toproducing your3.7% rebelof familyglobal butcarbon youemissions canand dorising).
soOur guilttools free!have more connectivity, features and control than most commercial equivalents.
Commercial messaging platforms such as Facebook and WhatsApp share data with the very governments we are challenging with our actions.
To get yourself onto Thethe HubHub, you will need to be invited by the Tech Champion of your SoIf makeyou suredon’t know who that happensis, asask soonyour asinternal possiblecoordinator.
After thatusing commercial apps, our tools may initially take a little getting used to, but to help you canfind startyour way around we have the following whats going on!trainings:
New SoComms whatHub toolsGuide, are(RT)
Getting on the Hub?
Hub Well,(RA)
hereMattermost areTraining the(RA)
mainHub ones:Training (T&T)
MattermostMondays - 12:00-14:00 - Zoom link: Thursdays - 11:00-13:00 - Zoom link:
- Fridays - 14:00-16:00 - Zoom link:
Our organising tools
Mattermost (our main platform for communication.
communication) On- here,chat
youReplaces: canWhatsApp, Telegram, Slack etc.
communication either 1:1 or in groups.
short conversations, announcements, questions and organising
find channels for various groups across the organisation and you canXR
directly message any rebel (if you know their handle.handle)
UK useForums Mattermost– forlonger chat,discussions
shortReplaces: conversations,message questionsboards
andcommunication catin gifs.groups
Mattermostlonger connectsdiscussion uson acrossa particular topic
all comments in one place - follow the globe!
thread Checkeasily
out the Mattermost Training on the Rebellion Academy.
UK Forums-the place to go for long form discussions.OftenSometimes we start a conversation onMattermostMattermost,butthen realisethatthe threadgetsislostgrowingin the babbleand sofor more in-depth topics wewe’ll move it to the forumwheresowethatcanitcreatedoesn’ space.
UK Cloud Storage
storageHereReplaces:youDropbox,canGooglefindDrive,theOneDrive etc (for files storage) Microsoft Office, Google docs etc (for files) creation and storage of team documentssharedandwithin your team:files, slides, minutes, photosetc,etcbasicallyseparateanythingprivateyourfoldersteamforhaseachworkedgroup;onsharingwilloptionsHub circles – XR structure Will replace: Glassfrog (at the moment they are both used) interactive diagram of how XR is structured view and connect with the groups you are a member of plus all other XR UK groups (local groups, working groups, community groups etc) find who is in which role for any group and click to connect to them instantly (without needing to know their handle) see any mandate for a group or person (purpose and what they are responsible for)
That said, sometimes we use commercial platforms too (for particular purposes):
Signal Many groups use Signal for planning Actions (some use Telegram instead.) Messages can be
here.setThinkto disappear within a particular time limit.Telegram As well as using Telegram for Actions, we have a New Rebels channel where people new to XR can get help, support and connections to help them find their way into XR. To access this, you need to attend a ‘Welcome to XR’ session (T&T).
Our news channels
- …for talking to each other
Telegram Broadcasts We have two news channels which you can access via Telegram or Mattermost (broadcast only, no chat): Rebellion Broadcast: news about Actions (and trainings for Actions) Movement Broadcast: all other news These are a great way of
itgetting regular, concise and up to date news asifitRebelshappens.hadInside XR: a short internal newsletter aimed mainly at coordinators of the
- teams
Youunsubscribearefromonathe Rebel Toolkit right now;newsletter, click thelogolinkonat thetopbottomleftof it. Because we are a decentralised movement, different newsletters are sent from different places and you may need tostartunsubscribeexploring!moreThethanToolkitonceisif you want everything to stop.- …for also talking to the public
Websites UK website Global Website
See ‘Supporter Rebel’ for ways to make our social media posts more effective.
Our main, UK-level, social media channels: UK Facebook group Twitter: @XRebellionUK Instagram:@xrebellionuk
Local Groups
toandNationalCommunityGroups.GroupsAnyoneoftenwith a Hub Login can addhave theircontributionowntosocial media accounts. Some of theHivelargerMind!Check out theToolkit Trainingon the Rebellion Academy.
Rebellion Academy-Is our learning platformThe Academy is a great place for any new or returning Rebel to start! It's full of interactive courses on topics from NVDA to meeting facilitation. There are even a few on how to use the Toolkit and Mattermost. Each training has written and video content which will guide you through the key points and ask you some questions at the end. Complete a course and you get a shiny badge!
This page was written by @Raenyah please contact me if youones have anytheir questionsown orwebsites think something needs to be added.too.