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Will I be included?

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We are everyone

This means we try to build everything about XR soin a way that everyone canfinds findit a comfortable and genuinely welcoming place.

WeOn joinging XR we have all agreed upon joining XR to welcome everyoneeveryone, and every part of everyone. Therefore, there is a duty for us to do as much as we can to ensure everyone has access to our resources and that we are welcoming to a diverse range of people.

We cannot be perfect but we want to be better.

Inclusivity and XR

In order to build an inclusive approach towards involving all sections of society in the struggle to highlight the Climate Emergence, all actions, meetings, training, workshops and talks should be as inclusive as far as it is possible to make them.
Here are Our Principles of Inclusivity, which every group/team is asked to adhere to (whenever possible). paying particular attention to five activity areas:

  • Organisation and running of meetings
  • The production of documentation – including leaflets
  • Accessibility of the XR websites
  • Accessibility of demonstrations and other activities
  • Good practices when communicating with disabled people

If groups/teams can't make their events inclusive, they need to show that they have made all attempts to make them so and also show any alternatives thatoffered theyor have made.considered. They should also be able to give valid reasons why making their events can'tfully beinclusive inclusive.was not possible.

If you feel that your LOCAL GROUP isn't considering suitable venues and,and therefore,not isworking removingto remove barriers to inclusivity, then please raise this with your regional coordinator.

Will I be welcome spite of...?

Yes! And often because of, not despite, anything you might worry about.

One of the great things about XR's very 'flat' structure is that we have lots of self-organised Community Groups of people who welcome and support each other. These include:

  • local groups, connecting people from similar physical locations;
  • faith groups, connecting people based on a shared religious or philosophical belief;
  • disability-support groups, connecting people who have individual needs based on their health, bodies or minds;
  • affiliate groups, connecting people who are involved in other campaigning movements;
  • and other support groups connecting people based on their gender identity, sexual identity and other aspects of identity.

There's more information about these Community Groups on another page of this Rebel Next Steps Pack.

How can I take part in meetings?

[To Come]

How will my physical needs be met and protected?

[To Come]

How will my mental-health needs be met and protected?

[To Come]

Current rebels are encouraged to follow the guidance in the book Engaging our Rebels.