How you can get involved
Extinction Rebellion is made of people from various backgrounds, ethnicities, communities and identities. Here are some different ways of connecting with people within the UK:
Take part in actions
See our events calendar for details of coming actions on our XR events page
Get involved in your community
Connect with other people in your area by joining a Local Group. Find the closest one to you on our interactive map linked here
Connect with communities of shared self-identity (e.g. faith, occupation) by joining a Community Group: Community Groups' list and contacts on our website
Help organise our movement
Organise with us at a regional, national or UK level. Apply for available roles or set up an online CV. Contribute your skills to help drive our movement via our XR Volunteer Website
Support us in another way
Consider donating. You can learn more here at
Ask your MP to support the Climate and Ecological Emergency bill (external link)
We are a global movement
You can connect with rebels around the world by visiting the XR Global Website