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Why Do We Need To Rebel?

• We have known we are heading for disaster for over 30 years*

• In that time, carbon emissions have increased by 60%.**

• In the last 50 years, wildlife populations have decreased by an average of 68%. ***

Our governments have not protected us.

  • Conventional campaigning has failed.

  • We are almost out of time to change course.

  • Civil disobedience has a history of achieving change where other methods have failed. For example the Suffragettes gained the vote for women by their actions.

  • We must act now for the sake of all life on earth.

  • We will not be led quietly to extinction by elites and politicians.***

*In 1988, climate scientist James Hansen testified before the US congress, provoking the New York Times headline: ‘Global Warming Has Begun, Expert Tells Senate’

**International Energy Agency

***World Wildlife Fund Living Planet report 2020

Why We Rebel