Integrative Election Process for Roles in XR UK
[Note: this guidance is referred to by the XR UK Constitution (Section C.5).]
1. Discuss the role
The facilitator makes space for questions. Explain the purpose, domains and accountabilities where necessary. This may include, for example, what led to the creation of the role, and the key relationships with other roles and circles.
Make sure that everyone is clear on
- what this role is responsible for,
- how much time and energy it will take, and
- what the value of the role is in relation to the circle.
Set a term for the appointment. For Internal and External Coordinator appointments, the maximum term is six months. Otherwise, the term is typically three, six or twelve months.
2. Gauge interest from people
Who has capacity for the role? Whose passions might it engage?
If it appears that there may be only one candidate for the role, slow down and triple check that nobody else is interested. You might say something like "If we could offer any kind of support, what support might you need to take on a role like this?"
Make sure to encourage people who may not be confident enough to consider the role by listening first to those not already in the role - this gives your circle a chance to reflect on the importance of rotating role-holders and allowing people to experience different responsibilities.
For people on the edge of interest or who might love to do the role but don't have capacity you could say "what support might you need to take on this role?”.
For people who don't consider themselves available or suitable for the role, but who could be effective in it, might they take confidence from the support of others and the clearing of any blockages?
3. Make nominations
There are two rounds of nominations.
You can nominate yourself or anyone in your team.
- In person: write a nomination on a piece of paper and pass it to the facilitator who will read them out.
- Online: each person puts a name in the chat and sends at the same time for everyone to see. The facilitator may set up the process — “Type the name in the chat box, but don’t hit Enter. Anyone need more time? No, Ok. Then hit Enter on my count. 3…2…1…Enter”
In the first round each person gives a reason for their nomination (for example, "I nominated this rebel because they have good relationships with the people they'll need to work with, and a strong grasp of the strategy as it has evolved"). No one may abstain or nominate multiple people for the same role in the first round.
In the second round each person makes a nomination again, having heard and reflected on each other's explanations (it’s ok to stick with your first choice). No one may abstain in the second round, but nominations for multiple people may be permitted, if this has emerged in discussion of the first round. If anyone has changed their mind, they should give a reason for their new nomination.
The intent of this process is to share reasoning, but people may decline to justify their nominations if they feel strongly. They may not comment on anyone else's nominations.
4. Make a proposal and check for consent
Guided by the number of nominations, together with the reasons given for them and the needs of the role (from Step 1), the facilitator makes a proposal for who to appoint.
If appropriate, the proposal may include sharing the role between more than one appointee.
The facilitator then establishes whether everyone consents to the proposal. This includes the appointee(s), who should be asked last.
Seeking consent may sometimes be straightforward if there is a high degree of consensus.
If it is more contentious, then reviewing and refining the proposal should follow the Integrative Decision Making process. It may be that the proposal has to be modified to integrate any objections.
Once there are no objections to the proposed appointment,
- celebrate the appointment, welcome and support the new appointee(s)
- allocate an action point, usually to the Group Admin, to update shared records of the appointment (usually on the XR UK Hub).
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