XR Youth
Are you curious about who these XR Youth are?
Have you decided to join XR Youth but aren't sure where to start?
Are you an experienced young rebel but need some support?
The world of XR Youth can be a daunting one with lots of new terms and groups and ways of communicating. This book aims to simplify all of that.
What is XR Youth
XR Youth began in February 2019, out of a need to create a platform within XR and the wider world...
How old do I have to be?
XR Youth consists of those born in the last 30 years, all of whom are part of a generation that h...
Just like XR, XR Youth also has 3 demands. The XR Youth demands are based off XR's however have m...
Principles and Values
We have 10 Principles and Values. These underpin all of the work we do and are the fundamental pi...